who is not in the circle

Derrick 2022-04-19 09:01:52

[Rose] [Niu Niu Movie Review: Happy Death Day]

It was a bit confusing for the first half hour, I didn't know what the director wanted to express, but I gradually understood it later, oh hoo, Jiang Zi. I want to say that the director has his own ideas, the concept of the film is very good, and he wants to use birthday = death day to express some of his own outlook on life. How many times in life can you live and understand, escaping can't solve the problem, you can only face it bravely... eh? This bowl of poisonous chicken soup is also poisonous, and the heroine falls into a curse circle and is forcibly killed by the prisoner. Over and over again, in the end, all the cause and effect settled on the roommate in the same bed. I want to say that the beginning and end are correct, but the connection is too embarrassing. Fragment of horror cruise ship. Just sauce purple [smile]

Recommendation index: ✨✨

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Happy Death Day quotes

  • [Tree storms into her room. She hastily starts packing her belongings]

    Lori Spengler: She finally rolls in...

    [Lori looks at Tree, puzzled]

    Lori Spengler: Going somewhere?

    Tree Gelbman: Yes. As far away as possible.

    Lori Spengler: Tree, what's wrong?

    Tree Gelbman: [continues packing] Me. I was wrong. I thought that if I stopped running that I could beat it. But it's never gonna stop.

    Lori Spengler: Tree, you're freaking me out.

    Tree Gelbman: Hello, that's me, a freak!

    [Lori takes the cupcake, lights the candle, approaches Tree and hands her the cupcake]

    Lori Spengler: [smiles] Tree. Tree, look. Happy birthday.

    Tree Gelbman: [turns her back to Lori] Thanks. But I already ate it last night.

    [suddenly, it dawns on Tree who is the murderer. She stops packing]

    Tree Gelbman: Oh, my God. I died in my sleep.

    Lori Spengler: What?

    [Tree turns to face Lori]

    Tree Gelbman: You killed me.

    Lori Spengler: What?

    Tree Gelbman: You poisoned it. But I never ate it before.

    [a flasback: Tree drops the cupcake on the floor without eating it]

    Tree Gelbman: So you had to find another way. Then Tombs fell right into your lap. Perfect scapegoat.

    [flashbacks: Tombs is transported on a stretcher while Lori watches; Lori injects Tombs sedatives; Lori plants a knife in Tombs' room and covers his face with the babyface mask; Lori kills Tree, then removes the mask]

    Tree Gelbman: You had access to him. Did you drug him first? You knew that if he escaped, everyone would assume that he killed me. But it was always you.

    Lori Spengler: [chuckles nervously] Tree, are... is this a joke? You think I would actually try to poison you with a freaking cupcake?

    Tree Gelbman: [shrugs] Okay then. Prove it.

    [Tree takes the cupcake, blows the candle and hands the cupcake back to Lori]

    Tree Gelbman: Go on, Lori. Take a bite. Go on, Lori.

    Lori Spengler: [shakes her head, chuckling nervously] You really are crazy.

    Tree Gelbman: [smiles] Okay then. I'll take it down to the police. I'm sure they can tell us what your little birthday treat is made of.

    [as Tree starts walking away, Lori wears a sinister expression. She grabs Tree's hair, then knocks her against the bathroom door. Tree falls to the floor. While she is momentarily stunned, Lori chuckles nastily, locks the room door and faces Tree]

    Lori Spengler: [contemptuously] You stupid little whore.

    Tree Gelbman: [fearfully] I know I've been a bad roommate, but... isn't this a bit much? What the hell?

    Lori Spengler: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you wouldn't stop sleeping with him.

    Tree Gelbman: What? Gregory?

    Lori Spengler: [venomously] But he just kept choosing you over me. I guess all he wanted was a cheap slut like you!

    Tree Gelbman: [in disbelief] Wait, you've been killing me over some stupid guy?

    Lori Spengler: [shakes her head] Oh, that's not the only reason. You're a dumb bitch, too! What I really wanna know is, how did you figure it out?

    Tree Gelbman: Because you've killed me before.

    Lori Spengler: [smiles] Then I guess I'm just gonna have to do it again.

    [Lori steps toward Tree. Tree kicks her in the stomach. Lori doubles up painfully]

  • [Tree finds out that Lori is the murderer]

    Lori Spengler: What I really wanna know is, how did you figure it out?

    Tree Gelbman: Because you've killed me before.

    Lori Spengler: [smiles] Then I guess I'm just gonna have to do it again.

    [Lori steps toward Tree. Tree kicks her in the stomach. Lori doubles up painfully. Tree grabs a lamp and throws it at Lori, but misses. Lori recovers, grabs Tree, slams her head against the desk and starts choking her. They roll all over the room, knocking over items. Tree tries to reach the door but Lori grabs her, sits astride on her back and repeatedly slams her head against the floor. Lori shoves her elbow into Lori's face. Lori lets Tree go, but immediately recovers, pushs Tree on the bed and sits astride on her stomach. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Lori quickly covers Tree's mouth]

    Danielle Bouseman: [from outside the room] What the hell's going on in there?

    Lori Spengler: Nothing. Tree just fell. Everything's fine.

    Danielle Bouseman: Whatever. Clumsy hos. I better see you at the meeting today.

    [while struggling, Tree suddenly notices the poisoned cupcake, a few inches from her. She tries to reach it]

    Lori Spengler: We'll be there!

    [Tree punches Lori at her throat. Lori lets go of her, gasping for air]

    Tree Gelbman: [furiously] Eat it, bitch!

    [Tree shoves the entire poisoned cupcake into Lori's mouth. Lori recoils, screaming in horror, trying to remove the cupcake from her mouth. She stands with her back to the window. Tree, snarling in rage, runs toward Lori, grabs hold of the lamp. With all her might, she kicks Lori in the chest. Lori is knocked backwards. She falls through the window, her body crashes on the ground with a sickening thud, near Emily. Emily screams in horror and runs away. Tree looks through the window and sees her enemy dead. She slumps on the floor, sighing in relief, realizing that now the nightmare is finally over]

    Danielle Bouseman: [knocks on the door] What are you losers doing in there?

    Tree Gelbman: [mumbles] Lori... ate... my cupcake.