What a lovely family~~

Tyrel 2022-04-19 09:01:46

Seemingly perfect lesbian family, because the entry of a funny and sweet sperm donor caused many waves and troubles, and a pair of children began to complain, but in the end, love still held them tightly together. It is the first time in my memory that a film confronts this issue and expresses it in depth, so impressive. Children always use the title of "moms", which is the best respect and understanding~
When Jules finally apologized to his family and Joni left home to go to school, everyone hugged each other, I was crying, I haven't been like this for a long time, it's just Touched, touched that such a lesbian family can actually work out, there is also endless love and even more care~ When their hands are tightly clasped again, how special and beautiful this marriage is! With love, they can get through all of those troubles and difficulties. The tone of the whole film is light and can bring infinite warmth ~
Mia who plays the eldest daughter is more beautiful and clean than in Alice, with long blonde hair. The two heroines are almost over 50 years old, but they still have their own charm. Their acting skills are extraordinary, absolutely amazing and real. I don't know how much work they have done. The story of the two of them telling the emergency meeting in the play is also romantic and funny (my tongue can move again, haha~) Like the lyrics of the ending song, live and love and sleep together, how beautiful!

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The Kids Are All Right quotes

  • Nic: Look, we have to be smart about this. You know, if we act like grubby bitches, we're just gonna make it worse.

    Jules: I know.

    Nic: Let's just kill him with kindness and put it to bed.

    Jules: I'm with you, honey. We're gonna get through this, okay?

    Nic: I love you, chicken.

    Jules: I love you, too, pony.

  • Jai: Just because you're a 24-hour drive-thru doesn't mean everyone else has to be.