text/(United States) David Benioff
Translated/Zhang Ying
1. Location, Lake Elizabeth Park, daytime
Subtitles: California, 2000,
a 5-year-old boy running towards Lake Elizabeth go.
A group of swans gathered on the muddy lakeshore to wash their feathers and splash in the shallow water. The young swans curled up beside their mother, huddled together.
The little boy ran to the birds. They fluttered their wings and stood up, whimpering and flying away, their voices were loud and thick, and their white feathers were flying in the wind.
Amir (34 years old) stood by the lake watching the swans. His elegant manners, thick light black hair with a few strands of gray, accentuated the dignity of his body.
He walked back to the picnic area, where dozens of American Afghans were grilling lamb, drinking tea, and chatting. In other parts of the park, people of different races relax and enjoy the sun.
There are children everywhere. They are playing football on the grass, drinking yogurt, eating cookies, or chasing each other and playing a game of man-and-seek.
Amir saw his wife Soraya standing by and watching the children. Her thick black eyebrows are like the open wings of a flying bird.
Amir took his wife's hand, and the two stood alone for a while, then walked away, leaving the picnic area, away from the laughing children, and the mothers who were boring to eat chicken bones.
2. Exterior scene, in the foyer of Amir's house,
there is a parcel under the mailbox during the day . Soraya checked the label and handed the box to Amir.
Soraya: If I was right, it should be that thing, right?
Amir checked the label and nodded. Obviously this package is of great significance, and both of you are very excited, but Soraya's happiness may be a little reluctant.
Soraya (continued): Are you nervous?
They walked upstairs.
Amir: As long as they don’t misspell my name...
3. Interior view, Amir's apartment,
Amir closes the door behind them during the day . Their home is small, but the decor is tasteful, with Persian carpets on the floor and tapestries on the walls. The viewing window overlooks the Golden Gate Park.
There are books everywhere in the room. The bookshelves are full of books, the stools are full of books, and the armchairs are also full of piles of books.
Soraya (teasing): Do you want to be alone with it for a while?
Amir: I want you to stay with me here.
4. Interior view, study room,
Amir puts the package on the table during the day and uses scissors to open it. The parcel box is full of hardcover novels. He took out one. "Ash Season".
He turned the book over. The author's photo on the back cover is Amir, who is smiling at the camera.
Amir: That's it.
Soraya stood beside her husband and looked over his shoulder.
Soraya: That's it. (Pause) Your baby.
Amir glanced at her. We felt a little tension between the two, but Soraya kissed him on the neck and the tension eased. She walked out of the study, leaving her husband alone to admire his books.
Amir quickly flipped the pages of the book to check the inside. He rubbed the protective seal with his hand and saw that his creation had become a real thing, and his joy was beyond words.
5. Interior view, living room, the
phone rang during the day . Amir came in to answer the phone.
Amir: Hello?
There was no answer for a while, only the interference noise that the call effect was not good.
Amir (continued): Hello?
Rahim Khan (voice-over): Amir.
Amir put the book on the table and spoke a moment later.
Amir: Rahim Khan?
Rahim Khan (voice-over): Thank you for remembering me.
6. Interior view, bathroom, daytime
Hot water gradually filled the bathtub. The water vapor blurred the mirror surface. Soraya turned off the tap.
7. Interior view, living room,
Amir put the receiver close to his ear during the day , and what he just heard on the phone made him smile.
Amir: It's great to hear your voice.
Rahim Khan (voice-over): I miss you, Amir. You should come home.
Amir (raised eyebrows): Home? I don't know if it's a good time now.
Rahim Khan (voice-over): The timing is very bad. But you should come back. (Pause) There is a way to be a good person again.
These words obviously had an effect on Amir. He stood motionless, lips slightly opened, staring out the window.
Above Golden Gate Park, a red kite drags a long blue tail, like an eye glaring at San Francisco.
8. location, Kabul, the day
Yu curtain: Afghanistan, Kabul, in 1977,
the sky overcast, dark clouds. A red kite and a blue kite fought back and forth, spinning around each other, and the kite string covered with glass shavings shone in the cold light.
A group of boys stood on a clearing on the outskirts of the city, looking up at the kites fighting each other in the sky.
One of the boys was Amir (11 years old), thin and clumsy, and looked a little scared among the noisy, pushing and shoving boys.
Standing next to Amir is Hassan (10 years old), his face is like a Chinese doll. Hasan is a Hazara (Note 1): His Mongolian appearance makes him special among the surrounding Pashtun (Note 2) boys.
Amir wore a pair of American-style blue jeans and a clean new parka. Hassan put a bright green robe over the thick sweater.
Hassan is not like Amir, he is not afraid of the boys who make trouble. If someone pushes him, he pushes others too, without malice or fear.
The older Omar (14) has a short mustache, and he controls the kite confidently with his superb skills. When he brought his kite to a higher position, he smiled slightly.
Omar's kite rose sharply, higher than the other kite, and the glass thread cut the opponent's kite thread. Hassan smiled.
The defeated kite slid slowly to the south. All the boys ran in that direction, yelling, you pushed me and squeezed.
Hassan set out in the other direction. Amir stared at him.
Amir: Where are you going?
Hassan turned around abruptly and beckoned.
Hassan: Go here!
Amir saw the kite drifting steadily to the south, but Hassan was still running north at full speed. Finally, Amir also chased him.
Although Amir is bigger and taller than Hassan, Hassan is a natural athlete.
9. Location, Kabul, narrow streets. During the day,
they ran through the old streets of Kabul, jumped over the drains, and walked around in the narrow alleys.
10. Location, Kabul, animal market,
Amir ran as fast as Hassan during the day . He looked up again, the kite was gone.
Amir: We are lost!
Hassan, far ahead, doesn't even bother to find kites.
Hassan: Trust me!
Amir raised his eyes to stare at the clouds and accidentally tripped over a stone. He staggered to his feet and saw Hassan turn a corner.
Amir limped after him.
11. Location, Kabul, a dirt road.
He turned the corner during the day and found himself on a dirt road crisscrossed by ruts. Hassan sat cross-legged on the ground, eating a handful of dried mulberries.
Amir: What are we doing here?
Hassan: Come and sit down, Master Amir.
Amir sat down, panting.
Amir: You are wasting our time. The kite flew over there.
Hassan threw a mulberry in his mouth. I don't feel breathless at all.
Hassan: It will fly over.
Amir: How do you know?
Hassan: I just know.
Amir: How can you know?
Hassan: Have I lied to you?
Amir: I don't know. Do you know?
Hassan (indignantly): I would rather eat mud than lie to you.
Amir (testing): Really? Would you do that?
Hassan (confused): What do you do?
Amir: If I tell you to eat mud, you can eat mud.
Hasan scrutinized Amir's face, as if to see if his playmate was joking. Hassan was serious when he spoke, staring into the eyes of the boy who was older than him.
Hassan: If you ask, I will.
Amir could not bear Hassan's gaze. He looked away.
Hassan (continued): But would you let me do this, Master Amir?
Amir (reluctant smile): Don't be stupid. You know I won't.
Hassan smiled back, but his smile was not forced.
Hassan: I knew it.
Hassan stood up and moved a few steps to the left. Amir looked up and was surprised to see the red kite falling towards them.
Amir heard chaotic footsteps and shouts. He turned around and saw the boys chasing the kite from far and near.
However, they are wasting time. Hassan stood there with his arms outstretched, smiling, and the kite fell into his hand.
12. Interior view, living room. During the day,
Dad sits behind a luxurious antique desk. He is a Pashtun, tall, with a thick beard and curly brown hair. His hands are strong, and he seems to be able to uproot a willow tree.
Dad’s old friend Rahim Khan stood beside him. He doesn't have the charm of his father, nor is he as arrogant as him, but his eyes are friendly and kind, and his smile is crooked, making it easier to approach.
An old man wearing a cheap gray coat stood in front of the desk, clasping his fingers interlaced, and watching his father sign the documents nervously.
The servant Ali, whose legs are slightly lame, refills tea for them. Dad took the tea with a smile on his face. He and Ali have known each other for a lifetime; a tacit understanding between the two should easily develop. Ali exited the room.
Dad signed the document, stood up, and handed it to the old man. The latter glanced at the files quickly and held them carefully, as if they were some kind of treasure.
Old man: Thank you, sir.
Dad: I hope they will start construction tomorrow. It's time to start construction long ago.
The old man nodded vigorously, and Rahim Khan walked around the table and drove him to the door.
Old man: Tomorrow, for sure. Thank you! The orphans of Kabul will never forget your great kindness.
Dad: How do I feel they will forget me.
Rahim Khan closed the door behind the old man and turned to look at his father, who was sitting behind the desk again, busy with other documents.
Rahim Khan: You know, these bureaucrats swallow half of the money.
Dad: Only swallow half? They are becoming lazy.
13. Location, Wazir Akbar Khan area,
Amir and Hassan walked over a small wooden bridge at dusk . Amir holds the kite.
Hassan: I think you might win this year.
Amir (looks puzzled): Me? Haven't you seen Omar? He has never lost.
Hassan: Omar is good. (Pause) But as long as you have a suitable kite, you can beat him.
14. Location, Dad’s house. Later the
children walked onto a red brick driveway with poplar trees planted on both sides of the driveway. Dad's house is the most beautiful in the area. The entrance passage is very wide, with roses planted on both sides, leading to the gorgeous house.
On the light tower of the neighboring mosque, Mu Anjin called the believers to worship.
Hassan patted Amir on the shoulder and hurried forward. Under the shade of a loquat tree at the southern end of the garden, there is a simple mud house, which is the servant’s residence.
The door of the hut was open. Amir saw Hassan enter the room to greet his father Ali. They began to complete daily routine religious rituals, washing their hands with a bowl of water three times, and then praying after being cleaned.
Amir walked up the steps leading to the Chinese house.
15. Interior view, Dad’s house. The
wall in the foreground is decorated with tapestries made of gold threads, and the vaulted ceiling is hung with crystal chandeliers.
Amir ran up the wide stairs, holding a kite in his hand. When he reached the bedroom, he stopped and heard the voices of adults in the living room. The door to the living room was ajar, and the adults obviously didn't hear him entering the room. Amir peeped into the room.
16. Interior view, living room, in the foreground
Dad and Rahim Khan leaned on the leather easy chair and filled pipes with tobacco.
The framed photo on the wall depicts the history of the family, and there is a photo of his father's newly married (dad in a black suit; his princess in a white dress).
The radio on the bookshelf broadcasts a speech by a Marxist theorist. We only hear phrases, but they are omen:
Marxist theorists (voice-over): The imperialists will fail because they laugh at history, because they laugh at workers, because they laugh at people! (Crowd applauding) They can sit behind high walls, they can drive American cars, but once the arrests begin, they will be busy.
Dad lit his pipe and took a deep breath. The pipe was completely lit. He shook his wrist to put out the firewood.
Rahim Khan: The situation will become bloody before the situation improves.
Dad: There is usually a safe transition period.
Rahim Khan: A student was stabbed by someone last week. Fortunately, Amir is still young and will not be involved in all this.
Dad: Amir? (Snorting) Believe me, he won't participate in any fights. (Looking at the pipe) (Continuing) Sometimes, I saw him playing with neighbor boys on the street. They bullied him, snatched his toys, pushed him here and beat him there. He never fights back. Never.
Rahim Khan: So he is not violent.
Dad: Do you know what happened when those little kids teased him? Hassan always stepped forward to fend off them. This is what I saw with my own eyes. After they got home, I asked him, "Why does Hassan have bruises on his face?" He said, "He fell." (Pause) What was missing from the boy.
Rahim Khan: Children are not a drawing exercise book. You can't just fill in the colors you like. (Pause) He is not like you, my friend. Never be like you. But watch, he will become very good in the future.
Dad: A boy who can't maintain himself, he can't maintain anything when he grows up.
Rahim Khan turned to look outside, probably aware of movement outside the house.
17. Interior view, Dad's house, taking foreground
Amir back to his bedroom, dragging the brightly colored kite behind him.
18. The interior, A Doll's room not later
Amir sitting at the table reading a sheaf of handwritten manuscript. There was a knock on the door, and he did not respond.
Rahim Khan (Voiceover): May I come in, Amir?
Amir raised his head, but did not speak. After a while, Rahim Khan opened the door and walked into the house.
Rahim Khan (continued): I came to say goodbye. Tomorrow I will go to Pakistan.
Rahim Khan noticed a red kite on the head of the bed.
Rahim Khan (continued): Your kite is very good.
Amir: Hassan chased it back.
Rahim Khan: This kid has talent.
Amir nodded, unwilling to discuss Hassan chasing the kite.
Rahim Khan (continued): What are you writing?
Amir: Write a story.
Rahim Khan: Can you show me?
Amir: Not very well written.
Rahim Khan: It doesn't matter, I like to watch it.
Amir stared at the story he wrote. Finally handed it to Rahim Khan.
Amir: Only 4 pages.
Rahim Khan: Thank you, Amir. I will watch it tonight.
He turned and left.
Amir: He hates me because I killed her.
Rahim Khan turned and stared at Amir, not understanding what he meant.
Amir (continued): My mother.
Rahim Khan squatted beside his chair.
Rahim Khan: Stop saying this. Don't think about it anymore.
Amir: But this is true.
Rahim Khan: No, Amir. Having a baby is a very dangerous thing. It is dangerous to the mother and also dangerous to the child. (Pause) Your father can die for you, you know, don't you?
Amir shrugged and said nothing. Rahim Khan smiled sadly, squeezed his shoulder, and walked out of the room.
19. Location, mosque,
Mu Anjin on the tower at dawn calling the believers to worship.
20. Interior view, father's house, dining room,
Amir sits at the dining table in the early morning , writing homework in a hurry. Hassan brought him breakfast: a cup of red tea and a piece of toasted naan covered with sour cherry jam.
While drinking tea, Amir chewed on the naan, his eyes never left the workbook, nor did he say thank you to Hassan. Hassan handed him an envelope.
Amir: What is this?
Hassan: Rahim Khan left it to you.
Amir tore open the envelope and read the letter quickly, with a bright smile on his face.
Amir: He likes it!
Hassan: What do you like?
Amir: The story I wrote!
Hassan: Of course he likes it, Master Amir.
The story you tell is so wonderful.
Amir: Bravo, he wrote Bravo!
Hassan: Bravo!
Amir: Do you know what "Bravo" means?
Hassan: I don't know.
Amir: It means "excellent" in Italian.
Hassan: What is the story about?
Amir leaned back in his chair, satisfied with his new literary reputation.
Amir: It's about a man who found a magic cup and learned that if he cried into the cup, the tears that fell into the cup would turn into pearls. You know, this man is very, very poor. At the end of the story, he was sitting on Pearl Mountain with a bloody dagger in his hand and his dead wife lying in his arms.
Hassan (frowns, puzzled for a while): He killed her...
Amir: Yes, Hassan.
Hassan: So he can cry and become rich!
Amir: Right. You react so fast.
Hassan nodded and smiled. The smile disappeared quickly.
Amir (continued): What's wrong?
Hassan: Nothing, Master Amir. Have you finished your breakfast?
Hassan cleaned up dirty plates and cups.
Amir: What's wrong?
Hassan: Hmm... Can you allow me to ask a question about this story?
Amir: Of course you can.
Hassan: Why does that man have to kill his wife?
Amir: Because every drop of his tears will turn into pearls!
Hassan: Yes, but can't he just smell the onions?
Amir opened his mouth to scold the boy, but then realized that Hassan made sense. He randomly stuffed his homework into his backpack and left like the wind, leaving Hassan alone in the dining room.
Ha Sauna ate half of the naan and took a big bite.
21. Location, Dad's house, the
wind blows through the treetops during the day . Hasan swept the fallen leaves of poplar trees out of the red brick driveway and piled them neatly into piles. Later, he repaired the broken wire in the pigeon cage.
22. Interior view, study room. At night,
Amir sat cross-legged in an easy chair, with textbooks on his lap. Dad stood by the bar in the corner of the house and poured himself a glass of whiskey.
Amir: The school’s mullahs (note 3) said that drinking is a sin.
Dad picked a few ice cubes from a silver bucket and threw them into the glass.
Amir (continued): They say people who drink will be punished sooner or later.
Dad was sitting on the leather sofa drinking whiskey, breaking the ice with his teeth.
Dad: Do you want to know what your father thinks about sin?
Amir: I think so.
Dad: Then I will tell you. But first and now you have to understand one thing: those bearded idiots won't teach you anything of value.
Amir: You mean the mullahs?
Dad: Those monkeys who think they are moral should pee on their beards.
Hearing this profanity, Amir looked shocked.
Dad (continued): They did nothing except count the rosary beads with their thumbs and recite the scriptures that they could not understand at all. (Pause) There is only one sin, and that is theft. Other sins are variants of theft. do you understand?
Amir: I don't understand, Dad.
Dad: When you killed someone, you stole a life. You stole his wife’s right to have the husband, and his child has the right of the father. When you lie, you steal others' right to know the truth. Understand? (Amir nods) Nothing is more despicable than stealing. If someone takes away something that doesn't belong to him, whether it's a life or a piece of naan, I will spurn him. If I meet him, he will have to resign. Understand?
Amir: I understand, Dad.
Dad: Very good.
Father drank the remaining whiskey in one sip, got up and returned to the bar.
Dad (continued): Having said so much about sin, I am thirsty again.
23. Exterior scene, Wazir Akbar Khan district. During the day,
Amir and Hassan sat on a wall overlooking the neighborhood, their pockets full of walnuts. They smashed the walnuts and ate them with relish.
Amir: Hurry up.
Hassan: This is wrong, Master Amir.
Amir: Do you have to be so serious?
Hassan sighed. He and Amir saw a fat German Shepherd lying on the porch sleeping in the neighbor’s yard.
Hassan: Just once?
Amir: Just once.
Hassan took out a poor quality old slingshot from his trouser pocket, put an uncracked walnut on the bow, and aimed at the target.
The walnut swished through the air and hit the waist and leg of the sleeping dog. The dog jumped up, barked grinningly, and went around looking for the attacker.
Amir (continued): It will figure it out someday.
He drew a flat, half-folded Afghani (Note 4) banknote from his pocket.
Hassan: Have you got your pocket money?
Amir: I want to buy some Turkish toffee. Or a yo-yo. I need a new yo-yo.
When Amir considered his purchasing power, Hassan nodded politely.
Amir (continued): Or we can go and watch "Seven Heroes and Dangers" again.
Hassan beamed with joy. The two children jumped off the wall and chased them in the yard. Use your fingers to make gestures like pistols, pretending to shoot at each other.
Amir (in imitation of a manly tone): We are settled, buddy.
24. Interior view, Zaina City Cinema, daytime
"Seven Heroes Dang Kou Zhi" was playing on the screen. The faces of Amir and Hassan were illuminated by flashing images, and they watched Charles Bronson and Yul Brinner talk in voiced Farsi (Note 5).
Yul Brinner: There is a job for six people to protect a village on the southern border.
Charles Bronson: What is available?
Yul Brinner: 30 guns.
Amir and Hassan: I appreciate your clear understanding of adversity, sir.
Charles Bronson: I appreciate your clear understanding of adversity, sir.
25. Location, Wazir Akbar Khan area, during the day,
Amir and Hassan pass by a large house, humming the soundtrack made by the composer Elmer Bernstein for the "Seven Heroes" .
Hassan: Who is your favorite?
Amir: Steve McQueen.
Hassan: I like Charles Bronson. (Pause) Maybe one day, we will go to Iran.
Amir (squinting at Hassan in confusion): Why?
Hassan: Maybe we can meet him somewhere. I can still get his autograph.
Amir: Charles Bronson is not an Iranian.
Hassan: Isn't he? (Contemplation, pause) Then why does he speak Iranian accent when he speaks Ersi?
A stone hit Amir in the back. The two boys turned around abruptly. Assef (15 years old) was walking towards them, and Assef also had two of his followers, Wali (14 years old) and Camo (14 years old). All three are wearing jeans and T-shirts.
Assef: Where are you going, little things?
Amir glanced around fearfully, hoping to see an adult, but the street was too remote. Assef had broad shoulders, and his voice was low, higher than other children.
Assef (continued) (to Warri and Camo): What do you think: If I pay you money and let you be my friends, will you really be my friends? Or be my servant?
Warri: If you pay us money, we are your servants.
Assef: If Amir's only friend is really his servant, then I guess Amir has no friends.
Amir (voice trembling): We didn't mess with you again.
Assef: Oh, you provoke me. Afghanistan is the territory of the Pashtuns. We are the real Afghans, not this stubborn nose. People like them have polluted our country and our blood. Had it not been for idiots like you and your father to take in these people, we would have been able to get rid of them long ago.
Warri and Camo nodded. Assef barked his teeth and approached Amir step by step. Amir flinched, too scared to even run away.
Hassan (voice-over): Please don't provoke us, master.
Assef turned around. Hassan raised the slingshot with both hands and stretched the rubber bands full, with the stone on the bow facing Assef's face.
Assef was taken aback, his eyes opened wide. Wari and Camo went up even more surprised. Hasan tried his best to tighten the rubber band, his hands trembling.
Assef: Put it down, you motherless Hazara boy.
Hassan: Please let us go, master.
Assef: Didn’t you notice that we have three people and you only have two.
Hassan: Yes, master. But maybe you didn't notice that it was me who pulled the slingshot.
Assef looked at the stone, then at Hassan. He scrutinized Hassan's face, trying to determine his determination.
Assef: There is no end to this.
Assef turned and walked away, followed by his two accomplices.
Amir and Hassan saw them leave. Amir finally turned to face Hassan. The younger and younger boy shrugged and tried to stuff the slingshot into his trouser pocket with trembling hands.
26. Location, the streets of Kabul. During the day,
a colorful bus crowded with passengers drove on a narrow street, honking at passing pedestrians, cyclists and cars.
27. Interior view, servant's cabin. During the day,
Hassan and his father Ali knelt on the prayer rug, chanting prayers, and bowed their heads three times.
Amir (voice-over): Hassan!
Hassan got up and carefully rolled up the kneeling blanket. His father kissed his forehead. Hassan ran out.
28. Exterior scene, Dad's house, in the foreground,
Amir stood beside the open iron gate and waited for Hassan.
Amir: Happy birthday.
He handed Hassan a crudely wrapped gift, and Hassan grinned and tore it open. Inside is a brand new Wham-0 premium slingshot.
Amir (continued): It is American.
Hassan held the slingshot in his palm like a newborn baby. He smiled at Amir, his eyes were a little moist because he was so happy.
Amir (continued): I think if you are my bodyguard, you need a suitable weapon.
29. Location, cemetery,
an abandoned cemetery scattered on the hill during the day . The tangled bushes blocked the passage between the unmarked tombstones. A pomegranate tree grew beside a rusty iron gate.
Amir and Hassan were sitting next to the pomegranate tree, digging up the bleeding red pomegranate seeds, and wiping their hands on the grass after eating.
Amir took out a pocket knife, knelt down on both knees, and began to engrave on the bark. After the engraving, Hassan's fingers flicked across the letters.
Hassan: What is it written?
Amir: Amir and Hassan, the Sultan of Kabul.
Hassan: The Sultan of Kabul!
Amir sat down and took out a leather-covered book from his backpack: The Book of Kings.
Amir: Do you want to hear stories?
Hassan: "Rostein and Sorab"!
Amir; don't read this anymore. I have read it to you 50 times. How about reading Rudaby's story to you?
Hassan: This is your book, Master Amir.
Amir saw Hassan's disappointment.
Amir: All right, all right. "Rosstein and Sorab". Today is your birthday.
Hassan grinned, lying on his back with one hand on his head. Amir turned to that page and began to read.
Amir (continued): Please listen to the story of Sorab and Rothstein, but this story is teary...
30. Location, cemetery, later on the
broad blue sky with white clouds, a western boy sitting next to a pomegranate tree, alone Read the story, the other person listens to the story.
Amir: If Ruguo is my father, blood-sword parent-child.
The loud car horn interrupted the reading. The children turned around and saw a shiny black 68 Ford Mustang parked at the foot of the mountain. Dad sits in the driver's seat.
Hassan: Has your father bought a new car?
Amir stuffed the book into the backpack, and the two children ran towards the mustang at full speed. Hassan was much faster.
Dad: I heard that today is someone's birthday.
Hassan: Isn't this the car he drove in the movie "Bullit"?
Dad nodded. Hassan grinned at Amir.
Hassan (continued): Steve McQueen!
Hassan climbed into the narrow back seat.
Dad: Today is your birthday, Hassan. Why not sit down to the front?
Hassan glanced at Amir, who shrugged. They exchanged seats. Dad smiled at Hassan. He seemed to be more loving to this Hazara boy than to his own son, and he got along more easily.
Dad (continued): Are you ready to receive your birthday present?
Hassan: Is it a picture book?
Dad: Better than it.
Hassan: A toy pistol?
Dad (starting the car): Even better.
The rear wheel of the Mustang raised a cloud of gravel and dust. As they drove away, Hassan's face burst into a big smile.
31. Exterior view, Jadmewan Street. During the day,
Dad, Amir and Hasan drove on the crowded street south of the Kabul River. Street vendors sell roasted lamb meat and date fruits; vendors sell all kinds of goods such as fresh fish and gorgeous carpets.
Hassan's face bloomed with joy. People on the street looked back at the shiny car, and Hassan in the front row was very proud.
Amir sat in the back seat glumly.
Several American hippies wandered in the market. They had long hair, beaded chains, and saddle slippers.
The Mustang was parked in front of a shop about the size of a cell.
32. Interior view, Sever's shop. During the day, Sever, the
shoe repairer, is a nearly blind old man. He has leather shoes stacked on his workbench. He nodded to his father, opened a trap door, and guided the children down a flight of wooden stairs to the damp basement.
Here, Seffer's real work of art is revealed. Dozens of colorful kites hang on the walls and ceilings.
Saifu's kite is a masterpiece, the paper wings are cut to the right proportions, and the skeleton is firm and flat.
Amir and Hassan carefully observed and touched these kites with expert eyes, trying to determine which kites had the best tilt angle and which kites were the easiest to control.
Hassan picked a big red kite with a yellow border and showed it to his father. After checking carefully, Dad nodded in agreement, and fondled Hassan's small flat head.
Dad: Good choice.
Hassan's face was full of joy, and his father's approval made him quite proud. Amir watched all this silently from the corner of the room.
33. Interior view, dining room. In the evening,
Dad, Rahim Khan and Amir sat at the table eating curry rice bowls while Ali waited on them. From the doorway, you can see Hassan standing in the kitchen washing the jars.
Outside the house, the first snow began to fall.
Dad: Is the game tomorrow? Are you and Hassan ready?
Amir: We have been practicing.
Dad: Did I tell you about my victory that year?
Rahim Khan: I promise, you told everyone in Kabul about this.
Dad: I cut down 14 kites. I think this record has not been broken yet.
34. Location, backyard, during the day,
Amir and Hassan are preparing to cut the glass line of other kites. They put a few hundred feet of string into a mixture of glass shavings and glue, then hung the string on the tree and let it air dry.
Hassan: I think you will make the master proud today.
Amir: Do you think so?
Hassan: India Shaanla (Note 6).
Amir (suspicious): India Sha'ara.
A piece of glass pierced Amir's finger. He watched blood come out of his fingertips.
35. Location, Wazir Akbar Khan area, the
sky is impeccably blue during the day . Snow bends the branches of the mulberry trees in the block.
The children of Kabul rushed out and gathered in the streets. The kite fighters huddled together with the people who helped them take the scrolls and discussed the final tactics. There are already at least 50 kites of various colors hung in the sky, like paper sharks, swimming in search of food.
The roofs were crowded with spectators everywhere. They leaned on the deck chairs, the tea in the kettle was steaming hot, and the loud music of singer Ahmed Zahir came from the tape recorder.
Amir and Hassan are walking in the middle of the street. Hassan is holding a kite, and Amir is holding a reel of glass thread.
Hassan wore a pair of black rubber high-top shoes, a thick sweater and faded corduroy pants, covered with a bright green robe. Amir wore a black leather jacket and blue American jeans, and a red scarf.
Amir looked towards the roof of his house and saw Dad and Rahim Khan sitting on a bench, both wearing woolen sweaters and drinking tea. Dad waved.
Amir: I don't want to fly a kite today.
Hassan: Today is a good day.
Amir moved his feet and watched the kite-flying crowd. Hassan took a step forward and spoke to Amir in a low voice.
Hassan (continued): The two of us have to fight against the whole of Kabul. We will win.
Amir: I appreciate your clear understanding of adversity.
The two boys looked at each other and smiled.
Hassan: Let's let it go.
He picked up the red kite with yellow rim, licked his fingers, raised it, and tested the wind direction.
He ran with the kite, and the scroll in Amir's hand turned until Hassan stopped. About 50 feet away, he raised the kite above his head.
Amir yanked the line twice. Hassan let go of the kite.
Amir recited an Arabic prayer in a low voice. He pulled the string vigorously to fly the kite. The kite quickly rose high, making a sound like a bird flapping its wings.
Hassan clapped his hands, whistled, and ran behind Amir. Amir handed the scroll to him, grabbed the glass thread, and Hassan quickly rolled up the slack thread.
More and more kite fighters filled the streets, pulling their kite strings. They squinted their eyes and looked up at the sky, trying to occupy a favorable position in order to cut the opponent's kite line.
Every kite fighter has an assistant to help hold the reel and retract the glass string. Hassan's hands were already dripping with blood.
Hassan saw Omar, the skillful kite fighter we had seen before. Omar flew his bright blue kite at the end of the street.
The secant began. The first defeated kite broke the line and floated round the neighboring blocks in a roundabout way. The kite chasers were chasing the kite that fluttered in the wind.
Every kite that fell will attract hordes of chasers, who swarmed through the streets and alleys, reminiscent of Pamplona's bull-running streets.
The kite fell from the sky, like a meteor dragging its shiny, fluttering tail.
Assef, Warri and Camo were sitting on a pickup truck parked on the side of the road, drinking cans of juice soda, and mocking the children chasing kites around them.
Amir kept peeking at his father, who was sitting on the roof chatting with Rahim Khan.
Hassan (continued): Master Amir!
Amir retracted his gaze into the air, just in time to spot a green kite approaching.
Amir used a string to control the kite and dance left and right. His kite finally won, and the glass string tore off one wing of the green kite.
The green kite plunged to the ground, and a bunch of boys chased after it yelling.
The streets and alleys are full of kite chasers returning triumphantly, holding their trophies high and showing off in front of their friends.
Amir: Lots of prizes.
Hassan (shrugs): The last kite matters.
Amir pulled his kite string hard, and his kite pierced a bright yellow wind pole with a spiraling white tail.
Hassan (continued): Beautiful!
Amir's index finger cut a hole as he dragged the kite string, and blood flowed to the palm of his hand.
Several hours passed, the sky was overcast with clouds, the sun was hiding behind them, and the shadows began to stretch. The spectators on the roof wrapped scarves and put on thick coats.
Only four kite fighters still survived. Amir paid attention to Omar's blue kite, which flew in the air in a threatening and graceful posture, the glass line gleaming in the faint sunlight.
Amir: How many did it kill?
Hassan: I have counted, 12.
The blue kite cut through a big purple guy, turned two big circles and danced triumphantly.
Amir: He wants to break Dad's record.
Hassan: We want to stop him.
The spectators on the streets and on the roofs stopped, clapped, whistled and cheered.
Spectators: Get rid of it! Kill it!
Amir's hands were dripping with blood from manipulating the glass thread. He raised the red kite slightly above the roof, flew over the heads of the spectators, and cut the thread of a white kite with a click.
It was a bold move, and the crowd shouted loudly.
Hassan: We are too low.
Amir's red kite and the deadly blue kite became the last survivors. Amir saw the blue kite swooping toward his kite, trying to take advantage of the weakness of the red kite's insufficient height.
A chase began. It was a chase between two great kite fighters. Their paper kites flew over the street, and their shadows dragged on the snow.
The spectators were attracted by this final battle and watched the fight intently, pointing out some unusual and highly skilled moves. The children were sitting on high branches, and the aerial battle made them nervous from ear to ear.
Amir: Put more thread! Put more thread!
Hassan let out more string, Amir pulled hard, and his kite made a beautiful circle and flew on top of the blue kite.
The blue kite seemed to perceive its danger. It used various tricks and struggled desperately to try to escape the danger, but Amir's kite approached it mercilessly. The crowd knew that the outcome was about to be announced.
Spectators: Get rid of it! Kill it!
Amir closed his eyes and let go of the hand that was holding the string. The cold wind pulled the kite high, and the glass thread cut a wound on his finger.
Amir's red kite flew past the blue kite quickly, cutting off its kite string. The crowd cheered and Amir opened his eyes.
Hassan yelled with excitement. He rushed to Amir and put his arms around his neck.
Hassan: Good! Okay, Master Amir!
The blue kite was spinning frantically, as if a tire had fallen off a high-speed car. Everyone who chased a kite on the street, about forty boys you pushed me on, set out to chase the kite.
Amir blinked, unable to move for a while. Finally, he finally screamed and stretched out his empty hand to hug Hassan. The two children jumped up and down, laughing hard, almost crying.
Hassan (continued): You won, Master Amir! you win!
Amir: We won! we won!
Amir saw his father standing on the edge of the roof, waving his fists and yelling. Rahim Khan stood beside his father, his face blooming with joy.
Amir smiled. He seemed to have grown up in his father's proud light, standing taller and smiling brighter.
Hassan: I will help you chase that blue kite.
He put down the scroll and ran away, dragging the edge of the back fold of the green robe he was wearing on the snow.
Amir: Hassan! Bring it back!
Hassan stopped, turned around, cupped his hands around his mouth.
Hassan: For you, thousands of times!
He smiled and disappeared behind the corner of the street.
Amir began to withdraw the kite from the sky, and people rushed to congratulate him. The adults patted him on the back and messed up his hair.
36. Location, street, evening
sun is going down. The sky was dyed pink and purple. A mullah in Haji Yaho Mosque sang loudly (public prayer call).
The market was empty soon. Amir walked cautiously among the scattered crowd. The lame beggar was draped in layers of rags, the vendors carried carpets on their shoulders, and the butchers who sold meat closed the shop doors.
He stopped in front of a dried fruit stall, and the vendor wearing a blue turban put boxes of pine nuts and raisins on the mules.
Amir: Did you see a Hazara boy passing by here? Wearing a green robe?
Vendor: Why would a boy like you find a Hazara?
Amir: He is the son of my servant.
Vendor: Lucky Hazara, there is a master who cares so much about him. His father should kneel down and use his eyelashes to sweep the dust off your feet.
Amir: Did you see him?
Vendor (pointing to the south): I saw a boy running over there. Holding a kite in his hand.
The vendor murmured, and put another box on the mule's back.
Vendor (continued): Of course, they might have caught him by this time.
Amir: Who is it?
Vendor: Several other boys. They kept chasing him.
37. The location, old neighborhoods, later
Amir Street area looking for the congestion around the huts and the sheep pen inside.
38. Exterior scene, small road, at dusk
Amir ran up a rutted small road, this road connected to the shanty town of flat-roofed mud houses staggered by narrow lanes.
A voice came from a certain alley. Amir tiptoed closer to the alley, holding his breath, and peeking around the corner.
39. Location, a dead end, the
alley at dusk is a dead end, which is messy and piled up with rubbish and rubble. A rusty cast iron furnace leaned against the wall with a hole on one side of the iron furnace.
Standing at the end of the alley, Hassan put on a defiant posture: clenched his fists and slightly separated his legs. The blue kite rested on a pile of rubble behind him.
Blocking Hassan's way were the three gangsters that he had encountered earlier: Wari was on one side, Camo was on the other, and Assef, who was taller than them, was in the middle.
Assef looked relaxed and confident. He turned the brass knuckles on his index finger.
Assef: Where's your slingshot, kid Hazara? Um? Why don't you look so brave today.
Amir exhaled quietly. He did not leave his hiding place.
Assef (continued): But I am in a good mood today, I can forgive you. You guys, guys?
Camo: Too magnanimous. Especially after he was treated so rudely and rudely last time.
Assef (waves contemptuously): Forgive you, that's it. Of course, nothing is free in this world. My forgiveness requires a small price.
Warri: Nothing is free.
Assef: You Hazara kid is lucky. Because today, your price is just this kite. Is it fair deal, guys?
Camo: It's more than fair.
Hassan: Master Amir won the game. I will chase this kite for him. I chased it fairly. This is his kite.
Assef: The faithful Hazara. A faithful dog.
Camo shrieked a nervous laugh.
Assef (continued): Before you make sacrifices for him, think about it: Will he make sacrifices for you? Don’t you wonder, why does he always play with you when there is no one around?
Assef (pause, examine Hassan's face): Let me tell you why, kid Hazara. Because to him, you are nothing but an ugly pet. Something that he can play with when he is bored, something that he can kick away when he is angry.
Hassan: Master Amir and I are friends.
Assef (snorted contemptuously): Friend? You idiot. Enough, give us the kite.
Hassan bent down and picked up a stone. Assef flinched and took a step back.
Assef (continued): Last chance.
Hassan bent his arm, preparing to throw a stone.
Assef (continued): Whatever you do.
Amir opened his mouth and almost shouted in protest.
But he did nothing, just watched, numb with fear.
Assef waved his hand, and the other two boys dispersed, forming a semicircle, trapping Hassan in the alley.
Assef (continued): I changed my mind. I will not take your kite. I let you keep it, so that it always reminds you of what I'm going to do.
Assef started, Hassan threw a stone and hit Assef on the forehead. Assef yelled at Hassan and knocked him to the ground.
Warri and Camo swarmed. The three beat Hassan hard, hit him in the face, and kicked him in the ribs. Hassan struggled desperately, but he was too young and too weak.
Amir hides behind the wall. He closed his eyes and bit his fist. The sound of blows surrounded him, and there were painful screams, and the slaps of fingers on the skin.
Amir did not move for a long time. Finally, the noisy voice finally calmed down, and only a low groan came from the alley. Amir opened his eyes and peeked around the corner again.
The blue kite was leaning against the cast iron stove, and Hassan's brown corduroy pants were thrown on top of a pile of broken bricks.
Hassan lay on the ground, naked from the waist down. Camo and Varie grabbed one of his hands, twisted it from the elbow, and pressed it against Hassan's back.
Assef stood above them, stepping on the back of Hassan's neck with the heel of his snow boots.
Warri: I don't know. My dad said it was guilty.
Assef: Your father won't find out. There is nothing wrong with teaching this stupid donkey a little lesson.
Warri: I don't know.
Assef: Whatever you want. (To Camo) How are you?
Camo: I...meet...
Assef: He's just a Hazara.
Camo looked away and shook his head.
Assef (continued): All right. You can hold him down. Can it be done?
Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan's hips, and lifted his bare bottom. He put one hand on Hassan's back, and the other hand unbuckled his belt.
He unzipped his jeans, took off his underwear, and set his position behind Hassan.
Hassan did not struggle. No sobbing. A look dumbfounded.
40. Location, narrow streets, at dusk,
Amir ran away --- fled that alley, fled Assef's hasty and rhythmic moaning, fled Hassan's silence.
41. The location, market, later
Amir back to the deserted market, hid in a small compartment, squatted locked with a padlock on the door of the spring.
He heard human voices and the sound of running footsteps. He looked out of the cubicle and saw Assef and his accomplices rushing over with a smile.
Amir took a few deep breaths. He waited until Assef and their voices were completely inaudible.
Finally he stood up and walked back to the rutted road next to the mud hut shanty town. In the dim light, Hassan walked towards him with difficulty.
Hassan held the blue kite in his hand. The front of his robe was stained with mud. The bottom of the shirt collar was torn, and his legs swayed, as if he would fall down at any time. After he stood firm, he handed the kite to Amir.
Amir: Where have you been? I'm looking for you.
Hassan wanted to say something, but his voice was hoarse and he couldn't speak. He wiped his face with his sleeve to wipe away tears.
Hassan: Master will be worried.
He limped towards home. Amir watched him from behind. Blood dripped from between Hassan's legs and stained the snow.
42. Interior view, living room. At night,
Amir opened the door and walked into the house with the blue kite. Dad is drinking tea and listening to the news on the radio.
Seeing Amir, Dad smiled, stood up and opened his arms. Amir put the kite down and plunged into his father's arms.
43. Exterior scene, Dad's house,
the icicles hanging on the eaves of the morning dripping in the sun. The snow is melting, and the hills to the north are covered with green.
44. Interior view, dining room,
Amir sits at the dining table in the early morning . His breakfast is ready: toasted naan, hard-boiled eggs and black tea. But Hassan was nowhere to be seen.
Amir stared at the dinner plate, flicking the boiled egg back and forth. Ali walked in with a pile of chopped firewood.
Amir: Hasani?
Ali: He went back to sleep.
Ali knelt before the fire and opened the small door. Holding a firewood in his hand, he paused.
Ali (continued): He just wanted to sleep in the last few weeks. After finishing the work, it was wrapped in a blanket. Can I ask you something?
Amir flicked the egg on the plate and said nothing.
Ali (continued): Is something wrong, Master Amir? Is there anything he didn't tell me?
Amir: How do I know? Maybe he is sick. As you know, people can get sick.
45. Interior view, study room, at night
Dad reads the newspaper and drinks whiskey with soda. Amir is doing homework. The fire in the fireplace was raging. Dad put down the newspaper, looked at his son carefully, and smiled.
Dad: "Heroes of Aeons" is being screened recently. Let's go see it tonight.
Amir nodded, very excited.
Dad (continued): Why don't you ask Hassan to go with him.
Amir: He is uncomfortable.
Dad (worried about it): Really? What's wrong with him?
Amir: What's the matter with a cold? Ali said, he just sleeps.
Dad (looking at Amir for a while): I haven't seen the two of you playing together in the past few weeks. What happened?
Amir: It's okay. He just feels a little uncomfortable.
Dad: Hassan never gets sick. (Pause) No matter what goes wrong, you should solve it as soon as possible. Don't let the problem get worse.
46. Location, cemetery, during the day
Amir climbed up the hill to the cemetery. He stopped by a low stone wall and saw Hassan sitting alone in the shade of a pomegranate tree. Dozens of ripe pomegranates fell on the ground.
Hassan tried to read a children's book. Obviously reading is too hard for him. He slowly pronounced the pronunciation of the word.
Amir climbed over the collapsed wall and approached Hassan. Hassan raised his head and looked at Amir with a smile.
Amir: What are you reading?
Hassan (ashamed): This is for children. I just... I try to learn.
Amir nodded, saying nothing.
Hassan (continued): I would rather hear you tell a story.
Amir: I won't make up stories.
Hassan: Why?
Amir: Because they are all stupid.
Hassan: I don't think they are stupid. I like your stories.
Amir stared at Hassan for a while. He picked up a pomegranate on the ground.
Amir: If I hit you with this, what would you do?
Hassan's smile withered. Somehow, he looked old, as if the problem was urging him to grow old.
Amir (continued): What would you do?
Hassan did not answer. Amir threw a pomegranate at him and hit him in the chest. The pomegranate burst and red flesh was splashed.
Amir (continued): Fight back!
Hassan looked at the red stain on his chest, and then at Amir.
Amir (continued): Get up! Hit me!
Hassan stood up, bewildered, not sure what happened or why it happened. Amir picked up another pomegranate and threw it at Hassan.
Amir (continued): Fight back! Fight back!
Amir picked up pomegranates one after another and threw them at Hassan, throwing all the pomegranates he could find. Hassan's body and face were splashed with red pomegranate juice.
Amir (continued): You are a coward! coward!
Amir finally stopped, exhausted and panting. Hassan was blood-red, as if he had been shot by a firing squad.
Hassan bent down and picked up a pomegranate. He walked towards Amir, broke the pomegranate with both hands, and grind it on his forehead. Pomegranate juice dripped from his face. He turned around, left Amir, and walked down the mountain.
Amir stared at his back, tears flooding his eyes.
47. Location, Dad’s house. During the day,
a butcher named Sarahuddin slaughtered a calf under the shade of a poplar tree, and the blood soaked the grass under the tree. The two sheep tied to the trunk were waiting miserably for execution.
The workers climbed the oak tree and hung up strings of small light bulbs. Others set up tables in the yard. The carpenters built a stage on the balcony overlooking the garden.
Amir stood beside his father, watching all this in shock.
Salahuddin: Blood water is good for trees.
Dad smiled when he saw the uneasy expression on Amir's face.
Dad: Let's go, little birthday star. Let's go in.
He put a hand on Amir's shoulder and led him towards the house. On the way, Amir saw Hassan and Ali spread tablecloths on the table.
When Hassan saw Amir, Amir shifted his gaze. Dad and Amir walked up the steps leading to the front door.
Amir: Dad, have you ever thought of inviting a new servant?
Dad put down his hand on Amir's shoulder and was taken aback.
Dad: Why should I do that?
Amir (already regretted it): I guess neither will you. Just ask casually.
Dad: I grew up with Ali. My father took him home and loved him like his own son. He has stayed in my house for 40 years, a full 40 years. Do you think I will just drive him away?
Dad's face flushed with anger. Amir lowered his head.
Dad (continued): I have never beaten you, but if you say this again... (shakes head) You really shame me. And Hassan... Hassan is not going anywhere. do you understand? (Furious) I ask if you understand?
Amir: I understand, Dad.
Dad walked to the front door and never looked at his son again.
Dad: Hassan is not going anywhere.
48. Interior view, Dad's house, the
house was crowded with people at night . The guests either held wine glasses in hand, talked in the hallway, or smoked on the stairs, or leaned against the door.
49. Exterior scene, Dad's house. At night
, red, blue, and green lights flashed on the tree, and guests were chatting under the tree. The kerosene torch was burning. Ahmed Zahir played the accordion and sang on the stage. The dancers danced on the dance floor.
Amir walked in the crowd with his father and greeted the guests with a smile. He kissed the guest on the cheek, hugged the elderly woman, and shook hands with the guest.
Amir: Thank you very much for your gift. thanks. thanks for coming.
Ali: Master Amir.
Amir turned around and saw Hassan's father Ali. Wearing old clothes with exposed lines, he stood nervously on the edge of the crowd, looking out of place among these rich people.
Amir nodded awkwardly, suddenly feeling guilty in front of the elderly man.
Ali handed him a box.
Ali (continued): It's too ordinary to match you. But Hassan and I still hope you like it. happy Birthday.
Amir opened the box. Inside was a hardcover book of "The Book of Kings" with embossed patterns on the cover and color illustrations on glossy paper attached to the inside of the book. He stared at the book, wondering how to react.
Ali (continued): Hassan said that your book is old and has lost pages.
Amir (can't face Ali's gaze): Thank you.
Assef (voice-over): Happy birthday, Amir.
Assef stood beside his father Mahmoud. Mahmoud was short in stature and had dark skin. Amir froze. Assef noticed Amir's fear and grinned.
The father was worried that his son would be rude, so he glanced at Amir sternly, and then smiled at Assef and Mahmoud.
Dad: Thanks for coming.
Assef: The party is great, Amir.
Amir didn't speak, still staring at the ground.
Dad: Are you not going to thank Assef?
Amir: Thank you.
Amir walked away, unable to bear to stay in that small circle anymore. He walked through the chaotic crowd, ignored people slapped him on the back, or yelled "Happy Birthday" to him.
Dad was both angry and embarrassed, watching him leave.
50. Location, riverside, at night
, there is a long and narrow river behind Dad's house. Amir sits on the bank with his knees against his chest, looking up at the stars in the sky.
Rahim Khan (voice-over): Shouldn't you entertain your guests?
Rahim Khan walked over, ice cubes clinking in his glass.
Amir: I didn't know that you also drink.
Rahim Khan sat beside Amir, examining his wine glass.
Rahim Khan: I drink. (Pushing Amir with elbow) But only drink it on the most important occasions.
Amir smiled. Rahim Khan raised his glass, toasted the birthday star, and took a sip.
Rahim Khan (continued): You know, you can tell me anything you want to say, Amir. Anytime.
Amir (not sure): I know.
Rahim Khan looked at Amir and waited, his black eyes were bottomless.
Rahim Khan: Here you are. I almost forgot.
He handed Amir a beautiful leather notebook.
Rahim Khan (continued): For you to write stories.
Amir just about to thank him, the explosion of fireworks tore through the sky. They looked up and saw fireworks shining in the night. Rahim Khan smiled and pulled Amir up.
Rahim Khan (continued): Let's go, don't miss your party.
51. Exterior view, father's house,
Amir and Rahim Khan pass through the gate at night . All the guests are standing in the courtyard, looking at the sky. The fireworks chirped, exploded and turned into a bouquet.
In a brief flash of light, Amir saw Hassan carrying a large silver plate, serving Assef and Wari to drink.
The light disappeared. Then there was a hissing, a popping sound, and an orange fire flashed: Assef grinned and tapped Hansang's chest with his knuckles. Darkness.
52: Interior view, Amir's room. During the day,
a bunch of gifts occupies a corner of the room: Polaroid camera, cricket board, several envelopes with cash.
Amir sat on the bed and looked at a watch. The surface was blue, and the golden hands looked like lightning.
53. Interior view, study room, during the day my
father sits at the desk and signs various documents, and the radio in the background broadcasts news.
Amir (voice-over): Dad?
Dad looked up and saw his son standing at the door.
Amir (continued): Have you seen my watch?
Dad: The one I just bought for you? Don't tell me that I have lost it.
Amir: No... I remember putting it in my room.
Dad continued to pay attention to his files.
Dad: I believe it will come out from somewhere.
54. Location, Dad’s house, early in the morning
Ali and Hassan pushed an empty wheelbarrow out of the gate to the bazaar.
55. Interior view, Amir's room, in the foreground
Amir looked at them from the window, holding the curtain in one hand and the new watch in the other.
56. The location, the father of the house, later
Amir across the yard into the servant's hut.
57. Interior view, servant's cabin, in the foreground,
Amir lifted Hassan's mattress and put the watch underneath.
58. The interior, the father of the house, later
Amir knock on the study door.
Dad (voice-over): Come in.
59. Interior view, study room, the foreground
Amir walked into the room. Dad was sitting at his desk and signing documents. He looked up and saw Amir's face stern.
Dad: What's the matter?
60. The interior, Amir's room, later
Amir Hassan Ali and seen through the window pushing a wheelbarrow onto the driveway, the car loaded with meat, naan bread and fruit.
Dad appeared from the house and walked towards Ali. They talked for a while. Dad pointed to the house, and Ali nodded.
61. Interior, living room,
Hassan and Ali stand in front of Dad during the day . Their eyes were red and swollen, as if both of them had cried. Amir sat on the leather sofa.
Dad: Did you steal Amir's watch, Hassan?
Hassan looked at Amir, who was studying the carpet intently. Hassan looked at him for a long time, then lowered his eyes.
Hassan: Yes.
Amir closed his eyes. Ali shook his head angrily. Dad nodded.
Dad: I forgive you.
Amir looked up, his father forgave Hassan, which shocked him.
Ali: We are leaving now, sir.
Dad: What?
Ali: We can't live here anymore.
Dad: But I forgive him, Ali. Didn't you hear it?
Ali: We can't live here now, sir. We are leaving now.
Ali stretched his arms around his son's shoulders. He glanced at Amir, it was a cold, unforgiving look.
Dad spread his arms, palms rushed up.
Dad: I don't care about watches. I don't understand why you are doing this...
Ali: I'm sorry, sir, but we have already packed up. We have already decided.
Dad looked at a loss, with a sad expression on his face.
Dad: Ali, didn't I support you? Am I bad for you and Hassan? Please don't do this.
Hassan's head is drooping and his shoulders are loose.
Dad (continued): At least tell me why. please tell me.
Ali shook his head. He put his arms around Hassan's shoulders, turned and took Hassan to the door.
Dad (continue): I forbid you to do this! Did you hear me? I forbid you to do this!
Ali stopped at the door and looked back at his father.
Ali: Dear master, you can't stop me from doing anything. We don't work for you anymore.
62. Interior view, Amir's room. During the day,
Amir saw Ali and Hassan walking across a small bridge through the window with a few old suitcases.
Dad closed the iron gate in the courtyard below and walked back to the house.
Hassan turned around and glanced at his father's house one last time. Amir left the window sideways, hiding from him.
63. Location, Kabul, night
A crescent moon shone on the mosque and light tower. A scream resounded through the sky.
64. Interior view, Amir's room.
The roar of a fighter plane overhead at night awakened Amir. He sat up and stared out the window, confused and perplexed.
Dad (opens the door): Make a bag. Only install what you need.
65. Exterior view, Jade Mewan Street, at night,
an armored personnel transport vehicle drove through the empty stalls on the open-air bazaar.
66. Location, market,
Russian soldiers with AK-47 assault rifles patrolling the empty streets at night .
67. Interior, living room, at night
Dad sits at the desk and tries to make a phone call. Rahim Khan walked around the room. The radio is purely pro-Soviet propaganda reports.
Dad: The line is broken.
Rahim Khan: They blew up the telephone exchange. They will chase every anti-Soviet element they think.
68. Interior view, Amir's room, at night
Amir last looked at the pile of toys and framed photos of the family.
He abandoned all these things and only took two books: "The Book of Kings" and the leather notebook that Rahim Khan gave him. He stuffed them into the suitcase.
69. Interior, living room, night
dad: They will come to catch me.
Rahim Khan: We don't know yet.
Dad: Look at your past, my friend. By the time we know it, it will be too late. (Tired smile) You know who I am. You know how I speak.
Dad began to remove the framed photos on the wall. He stared at the face of his deceased wife in the newlywed photo, and then at Rahim Khan.
Dad (continued): Can you take care of the house for me? We will come back when the Russians are gone.
Rahim Khan: What if they don't leave?
Dad Bei: Everyone will leave. This country will not treat invaders kindly.
Rahim Khan: What about you, my friend? where are you going?
Dad: Go to Pakistan first. Then...I will go wherever is the safest for the child.
Rahim Khan: The snakeheads provide a safe passage to Pakistan, and the asking price is five thousand per person. I'm sure they won't ask for checks.
Dad (pick up a bunch of keys on the table): What about the Mustang?
70. Location, country road, at dawn,
a dilapidated Russian truck is driving on the road.
71. Interior view, truck. During the day, a
dozen passengers squeezed on two benches in the back of the truck, the back of which was covered with a canvas canopy. Their suitcase is sandwiched between their legs.
Amir sat next to his father. Opposite them sat a burly man, wrapped in a sky blue turban, holding a baby in one hand, and counting the rosary with his thumb in the other. His young wife was sitting next to him, her head wrapped in a black shawl.
72. Location, checkpoint, the
old truck parked at a Russian army checkpoint during the day .
73. Interior scene, truck. During the day, the
truck driver and a Russian soldier were talking in low voices outside the car, and the passengers listened to them. The Russian soldiers laughed harshly.
The heel of the boot clicked on the asphalt. The driver Carlin lifted the canvas covering the back of the truck. He and the Russian soldier looked inside.
Carlin was as thin as wood, with a thin mustache. The face of the Russian soldier looked like a bulldog, with a cigarette in his mouth. He hummed untunedly, tapped his fingers on the tailgate of the truck, his eyes swept from passenger to passenger.
His eyes fell on the young woman in the black shawl. He said a few words in Russian to Kalin. Karin answered briefly. The soldier yelled a few words, and Carlin winced.
Kalin cleared his throat and lowe
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