Our name is Rebecca

Freddy 2022-04-19 09:01:41

My English name is also called Rebecca, and its origin has nothing to do with this film, and even when it was named, I didn't know that this novel had existed for a long time.

The name of a woman who has been repeatedly divorced several times in "Wonderful Hands". Although I know she has all kinds of problems, I really don't need a reason to like someone, and I can even tolerate secular prejudice, so I took the same name as her. Whether or not the name will bring a curse, like, make me as unfortunate as she is. But I'm mentally prepared. )

tension is the character of Hitchcock's films, just as suspense is the soul of his films. In this movie, not only the characters are tense (mainly due to the low love experience value), but the plot is also very tense.

I like Rebecca in the play, as the film says, as a wife she gets three things: upbringing, wisdom and beauty. Although she has never been on the road in the play, the smart director has shown her perfectly through the heroine's "superficiality", which makes me infinitely imaginative.

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Rebecca quotes

  • Mrs. Danvers: [to Mrs. de Winter] I watched you go down, just as I watched her a year ago. Even in the same dress, you couldn't compare.

  • Mrs. Edythe Van Hopper: [to Joan Fontaine] The trouble is, wiith me laid up like this, you haven't had enough to do.