Is the China Film Selection insane? Introducing this film is a waste of indicators.

Marcelino 2022-11-07 23:44:06


I heard before that China Film Group introduced the "Real Game" starring Brother B. I originally planned to go to the theater to see it, but I already have a high-definition version, not to mention that the domestically released film is said to be only 75 minutes long, and the whole scene I watched is 97 minutes. Excluding the 12-minute subtitles at the end of the film, which means that the film was handsomely cut out about 20 minutes of bridges and scenes when it was released in China.

After all, if this film were to be released unabated, it would be too rude. Therefore, I have absolutely no idea why China Film Group chose such a film to release. Even if you choose "Bloodthirsty Dawn", it is better than this film. The film still adopts the routine of live-action games. The PK mode used in "Battle Royale" and "Killing Championship" seems to be a little tired now. Of course, this film seems to have a postmodern or even anarchist chaotic picture, so I saw those bright colors and bridges. Especially in the scene where the protagonist finds his wife and the scene in the bar, the director did not consider the audience's ability to withstand the visual cells in the scheduling of colors and shots. In short, I think if it is watched in the theater, the audience in the front row will definitely be dazzled. Dizzy. To be fair, this B-grade film seems to have thoroughly implemented the essence of a B-grade film, that is, it is bloody to the end, it will not scare you to death, but it will also be disgusting. Your style makes this film completely a pile of tomato plasma and special effects. hodgepodge. I have to say that the special effects used in this film are average, quite general. Children's shoes with heart disease and vision problems are best not to watch this film.

Another problem with this film is that the rumored dew points and those underground punk tunes didn't appear in the release version.

Returning to the plot is also weak enough. An undead Xiaoqiang fights for family reunion.

So, now it seems that, fortunately, this film is not an account-sharing film. It is a Hollywood action blockbuster, and Brother B's dedicated starring. For the filmmakers and China Film Group, it seems to be a shining gimmick to earn the box office, but there are two Questions: 1. This is a film that has been shown for a long time, and the high-definition version has come out, and it is a version without large-scale deletion; 2. The director's ability to tell the plot is not very good, except for calling over and over. , what is left?

To be honest, this film, I really can't figure out why China Film Group chose this film to introduce. Is it brain-damaged or because the publisher discounts it at a low price. However, I have to admire the people who edited the film, because the amount of deletion is too great for such a film that is about to be released. About 20 minutes of plot, the scale of reduction is large enough.

In short, the film is not good, but as a B-level film, it has everything that it should have. From this point of view, the director is still very professional. Overall, not much of a bright spot.


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  • Simon: What's the matter with you, Kable? Kill something!

  • Simon: This is unbelievable. Kable, listen. This is the last game. You're gonna end up dead, and I'm going to look like a total asshole if you don't pull your balls together man!