[2009] The Birth of a Lie

Burley 2022-04-19 09:01:48

Ricky Gervais, I lost to you!
Just be your museum curator!
Why do you want to jump ship and become a self-directed, self-directed performer!
Poor Jennifer Garner with a flower, that's all...

this one, and the squeamish museum curator's virtues -
unflattering rants, lingering plots,
masquerading characters, nonsensical endings.

A world without lies is
not a world of cynicism at all times.
A world without lies is
not a world without reason and emotion.
A world without lies,
let alone a world full of fools and incompetence.

Yes, lies are not a recipe for salvation.
Yes, one lie needs a thousand more lies to make up.
These, which we have known for a long time,
cannot be expressed in a world without lies.
All that comes out is nothingness and absurdity. I don't think even Ricky Gervais has figured out

what a world without lies is like. Please see stories like Chino's Journey and be inspired! Well, this movie isn't for nothing. British self-mockery is a bright spot. It's a pity that this doesn't hold up the whole movie. The supporting cast is strong and powerful, in stark contrast to the apparent weakness of the protagonist.

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Extended Reading

The Invention of Lying quotes

  • Richard Bellison: [surprised by the homeowner during a burglary] What are you doing here? It's Monday at noon. You're not supposed to be home now!

    Man at the Door: If you must know, I'm incredibly stressed at work, I've come home early, I'm having a bit of me-time. More importantly, what are you doing?

    Richard Bellison: Well, I was gonna rob your house.

    Man at the Door: I don't like that idea. Not a fan of that at all.

    Richard Bellison: I'm not gonna do it now, because you're in.

    Man at the Door: Do you know what's gonna happen? I'm gonna call the police, you're gonna be arrested.

    Richard Bellison: Well, I'm just gonna leave, and you don't know my name.

    Man at the Door: What is your name?

    Richard Bellison: Richard Bellison.

  • Anna's Mother: Man In The Sky forbid!