Lost on David Lynch's Highway - Guessing

Kathryn 2022-04-19 09:01:43

Lynch's films have always been deceitful and confusing, and he obviously did it on purpose, because some of the tricks to confuse the audience are deliberate smoke bombs and have nothing to do with the plot.
I was depressed for a long time when I first watched his "Mulholland Avenue". Later, he broke through from the role of one person and two corners, which is a self-justification. This time I watched "Lost Highway", because I watched it three times in four or five days, and it was even more confusing. Fortunately, there is a foreshadowing of "Mulholland Avenue", which is generally understandable despite some details that are purely difficult for the audience.
The suspicious point of this film is:
what is the relationship between Renee and Alice? Are they the same person? How did they all have an affair with Eddie?
What is the relationship between Fred and Peter? How can they appear in the same time and space?
Who is Dick Larante?

The key to interpreting "Lost Highway" is to understand the following points:
First, Fred and Pete are mirror images of each other, and the souls seem to be interchangeable. It can be understood that the two play the same corner.
The second: Renee and Alice are also mirror images of each other, and they are unified. It can be understood that one person plays two roles at the same time.
The third: Dick Larante, the strange-faced old man who has appeared in both time and space (it's fucking horrible and disgusting), can be understood as the devil in the hero's heart, subconscious.

The following is a logical retelling of the story:
Fred, a saxophonist in a certain band, has a brain disease and symptoms similar to epilepsy and delusions. Just around the corner, he eventually killed his wife. But he fell into delusion and denied that he killed his wife. In the fantasy, he transformed, or he entered the soul of a young man named Pete, and experienced the revenge story of his wife being oppressed and himself being deceived. Act legalization.
In the latter story, his own mirror Pete meets his wife's mirror Alice, but Alice is controlled by porn producer underworld boss Eddie, and Andy is the director who pushed Alice into the fire pit. In order to escape Eddie's punishment, Pete killed Andy under Alice's bewitchment, robbed him of his money and car and ran away, but in the end Pete found himself just being used by Alice. Such a series of tactics succeeded in getting Fred to sympathetically degrade his wife.
If we take the above experience of Pete as Fred's fantasy, what is the real event? What is real? One identification technique is that the moment of the police presence belongs to the objective narrative and is real. So we can speculate that what really happened was that Fred killed both his wife and Eddie and Andy. When all his revenge is over, the demon in his heart has completed his mission, so he will say to the soul that seems to be claustrophobic at home: Dick Larante is dead.
But here comes the new problem, if we think the presence of the police means authenticity, then Pete should be real, because the police have been following him.
OK, let's come to a new interpretation.
Fred killed his wife, but he always believed that the real murderer who killed his wife was Andy and the devil Eddie, who had coerced his wife in the past and still controlled her to this day. So he transforms (or imagined) as Pete, or haunts Pete's body (ghost upper body), and is released by the police (inexplicable police have to follow him) to complete his revenge plan. Mind you, Pete's family and his girlfriend, Sheila, kept reminding Pete of something that happened the day before yesterday that Pete didn't know about. What's the matter? Judging from the information that appears in the film, there is a person with Pete, and then Pete leaves in the shouting of his parents and lovers, I think that this person is Fred (or a ghost or something, such as Dick Larante ), Pete's departure was actually taken away to prison. Otherwise, there is no explanation, and there is a sudden change in the tightly guarded prison.
Fred and Pete became one and began to take revenge on Eddie and Andy. The intermediary is Renee's mirror image (or her ghost) Alice. A detail worth noting is that at Andy's house, the photo that Pitt saw at first was a group photo of four people, namely Eddie, Andy, Renee and Alice, but the police only saw Renee, not Alice. It shows that Alice is indeed just a mirror image of Renee. It is also worth noting that the police found Andy's body, and then found a photo of Eddie, Andy and Renee, and then another policeman said that it was not a coincidence that Pete had been there. I think, at this time, the police have already made the reasoning that Andy's death is related to Fred, and Fred in prison has strangely turned into Pete, and this Pete has been here again, so Fred Borrowed Pete's body.
The scene where Fred entered the hotel to kill his wife should be in the real time and space. At this time, he and Pete have already separated, and Alice has also recovered as Renee. The angry Fred (with the drive and assistance of the demon in his heart) killed Eddie, the mob boss who took possession of his wife.
David Lynch is clearly a follower of Freud, mirroring, subconsciousness, and sexuality are common elements of his films.
However, in this film, there are also new elements, such as the appearance of the mysterious video, which I think is an inspiration for the midnight ring. This element has become a classic in the current horror movie. There is also the change of upper body, and there are similar sections in Dahua Westward Journey.

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Lost Highway quotes

  • David Bowie: [singing] Funny how secrets travel...

  • [laying on the ground with his throat slashed by Fred and the Mystery Man]

    Mr. Eddy: [gagging from his bloody throat] What do you guys want?

    [the Mystery Man pulls out a hand-held Watchman TV and gives it to Mr. Eddy who looks on it to see an interior of Andy's house at night with with Mr. Eddy and Renee watching a snuff-porno film while fondling each other beside the projector. The image suddenly changes back to Fred and the Mystery Man standing before him in the frame]

    Mystery Man: Now you can hand it back.

    Mr. Eddy: [as he hands the portable TV back] You and me, mister... we can really out-ugly them sonafabitches. Can't we?