i have a question

Winifred 2022-10-24 01:52:31

There's not much to say about the whole movie. There is still a pass line in the plasma tablet. Can't find any flaws either. There is even a bridge section that even engages in a time-travel, such a small concept that, in my opinion, is a guide and complains - it's not a time-travel. . I do whatever I want in a zombie movie!

Then there is the question. Xiao Hei drilled out of the ground after the nuclear explosion. You thought I was trying to say why didn't you die from lethal nuclear radiation? (This kind of nuclear radiation after a nuclear explosion generally causes organ failure + ulceration + the most painful death in 10 minutes.) Actually, I want to ask if nuclear radiation also has a lethal effect on zombies? Or mutation? ? /doge That would be fun.

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Army of the Dead quotes

  • Scott Ward: Think about it. Everything we did. All those people we saved. Look what it got us. But what if, just once, we did something for us?

  • Lilly (The Coyote): You all keep talking about the city like it's their prison. It's not. It's their kingdom.