A simple afterthought about The Lego Batman Movie

Marcellus 2022-04-21 09:02:01

The second bullet of the March Movie Tour! In order to prevent Lego Batman from going offline too early and losing the opportunity to watch the movie, I just watched a dog in the night show the day before, and today I came to the night show Batman. The evil cinemas don't arrange films. Most cinemas in Xiamen only have three or four shows a day, and they are still 2D, a group of guys with no aesthetics and childlike innocence. Fortunately, Wanda Baba understood me and left the original 3D English version so that I could fully enjoy the movie.

As the second official Lego movie (if I remember correctly, maybe the second...), Lego Batman perfectly retains the Lego texture from the previous Lego movies, each character is composed of Lego toys, and each character is composed of Lego toys. A prop and scene are also the assembly and splicing of Lego bricks. This time, the real-life performance was completely discarded, and the toy was used as a prototype to complete the performance.

I read a few movie reviews before watching the movie, including the spoilers that I accidentally turned to Time magazine in the coffee shop. All the summaries of this movie come down to one feature, spoofing. Spoof Batman, it's a must! Because I'm Batman! I'm a Lonely Hero Batman is! How to drop! Then, even the producer didn't let it go. The worst time Warner was hacked, Sorry bro! Even after hacking his own club, he didn't forget his old rival, Superman...cough, Joker! As the cute and respectable villain of the whole film, the Joker contributed all his roles, just for Batman's sentence, I hate you! How touching! (wiping tears here) Also, Marvel, who must not be missed! Ironman sucks!

Interestingly, the villains of Lego Batman are not simply limited to the DC world, and the villains have become particularly rich. In addition to the basic small coffee level of Gotham City, there are also Voldemort, Sauron, King Kong, Godzilla. , Medusa, those men in black who forgot their names in The Matrix, pixies, great white sharks, dinosaurs (from Jurassic Park?) and more. The cute villains are really dazzling, and it is also hard work for our big brother Batman. Superman and a group of partners from the Justice League are driving the 57th anniversary of the Justice League Party. The poor Batman here is outnumbered. Fight against the big league villains from the movie universe. However, this combination also gives people a sense of freshness. Anyway, we all use toys to create characters, and we don't need to hire actors. We can get as many villains as we like.

The film's unique sound processing is absolutely innovative. The gunfight vocals biu~biu~biu~ don’t matter, the cartoon-style Bam!Bom!Pom! text bubbles also make the enemy unable to fight back, and it is estimated that they were killed by lightning. This movie is absolutely the ultimate in cuteness. Even Batman's Puter can act like a puppy through the eared speeder, and the big-eyed Robin has to be defeated. There is also the invincible Batman, 4×6, 6×10 building blocks of various sizes, and can build a car, plane and cannon. I can’t even spell a boat when I was playing Lego, the gap!

Of course, as a big animated movie, how can there not be a happy ending for the family, that is too unreasonable. At the end, my friend kept saying to me, I'm going to stand on CP! Without her explaining, I knew that Batman and the Joker were going to be kneaded together. The Joker is so in love, how can Batman not understand! Looking at the Joker's expression of grief and grievance because of Batman's indifference, Heath Ledger's image of the Joker automatically reflected in his mind. If this was a real-life Joker, what effect would it have?

The best villains make the best heroes. The Joker knows it well, and Batman, the ugliest character in the whole movie, doesn't understand it until the end. The once narcissistic arrogance and self-righteousness are all clouds. With the big-eyed Robin, Batgirl Barbara, and the old housekeeper Alfred, the world is full of light. And Batman is handsome and golden, a girl's dream, it would be great if I could become Batman (it doesn't seem like a girl). Cough, having said that, in addition to describing the transformation of Batman from beginning to end, the movie revolves around the meaning of the existence of the villain. Although Batman does not admit it, the existence of a character like the Joker gives Batman the meaning of existence. If there is no evil, there is no righteousness. The righteousness and the evil are incompatible, and water and fire are incompatible, but they also prove each other's existence.

However, watching this movie requires some background knowledge, and it doesn't matter if you don't have it, but there are indeed a lot of spoofs and spoofs, which cause a certain burden. Sometimes you don't know enough to catch all the slots. In addition, the color of the picture is as gorgeous as the toy, infinitely close to the effect of the toy, which is realistic enough, but the colorful scenes and characters plus the rapidly rotating lens, it is false to say that there is no eye dizziness.

After watching this movie, I now feel that what I need most is to go back and look for the movie reviews of the great gods to see what slots I have missed, or I always feel incomplete. Joker, I hate u!

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Extended Reading

The Lego Batman Movie quotes

  • Pilot Bill: Captain Dale, is everything okay?

    The Joker: I'm afraid Captain Dale had to bail. I'm your new co-pilot, and I always come to work with a smile!

    [Joker smiles evilly. Pilot Bill just glares back]

    The Joker: You should be terrified.

    Pilot Bill: Why?

    The Joker: Because I will be taking over the city.

    Pilot Bill: Hmmm...

    The Joker: What?

    Pilot Bill: Batman will stop you.

    [Joker blows a raspberry]

    Pilot Bill: He always stops you.

    The Joker: No, he doesn't!

    Pilot Bill: What about that time with the two boats?

    The Joker: This is better than the two boats.

    Pilot Bill: Hmmm...

    The Joker: Well, tonight is going to be different! Tonight is my greatest plan yet, and trust me, Batman's never going to see it coming.

    Pilot Bill: Like the time with the parade and the Prince music?

    The Joker: HEY, QUIET!

  • Batman: Okay, Robin. Together, we're gonna punch these guys so hard, words describing the impact are gonna spontaneously materialize out of thin air.