The value of "Movie 43" spoof

Destinee 2021-12-17 08:01:08

The strange movie "Movie 43" that attracted me the most was not its strong star lineup, but the two less dazzling names under the shining stars: John Knoxville and Anna Faris. Do you remember the two-headed alien who talked and talked in "Men in Black 2", he (they?) is Knoxville. However, the most representative work of this man is the prank and pissing reality show "Funny Show" series. In October 2013, the latest "Funny Show 4: Bad Grandfather" met with the audience, and it was it that successfully brought "Gravity" squeezed the top spot in the box office for three consecutive weeks. Anna Faris has a bigger background. In the first four parts of "Screaming", she has been conscientiously playing the sweet and honest silly heroine. Without her in the fifth part, the film's hilarious and hilarious index plummeted.
The reason for paying special attention to these two is precisely because their representative works can be regarded as two weird works of unlimited spoofs in the film industry. The TV version of "The Stupid Funny Show" started in 2000. Knoxville led a group of slut to do spoof things, not hesitating to self-mutilate for pleasure, such as taking a bath with urine, tasting the semen of a horse race, and trying to tie up fireworks. Being a rocket man, etc., in short, all sorts of extreme behaviors. Two years later, Paramount saw the business opportunity that the bitch loved and launched a movie version. The audience laughed and cursed "what's the fuck!" The film costing 5 million quickly broke through laughter, vomiting and cursing. 60 million. After that, several sequels continued to flourish. Anna's "Scream and Scream" also started in 2000. The method of spoofing popular movies without any scruples and trying to lean on the next three roads also made the audience's eyes bright and the chrysanthemums tightened. When the blockbuster producers cursed this unscrupulous film, they secretly longed for their lower movie to be dismembered and ravaged by "Scream 2, 3, 4, 5".
The two film series also lasted from the beginning of the century to 2013 just past, and maybe a new sequel will come out soon. Although the movie has been controversial and the quality is uneven during this period, it has always been able to win people’s attention, and the box office is not bad, and even cultivated a group of loyal fans, always watching silently and looking forward to watching it again. To the jj in Knoxville or Anna Faris's petite boobs. I am one of them. It's a pity that the latest sequels of the two films are not satisfactory. The lack of creativity makes people miss those bitches who pee in the wind and the father of the machine who has sexual desire for a chair.
The most vulgar things often have the most primitive and vigorous vitality, and the vitality of this spoof movie comes from this. But if you want to attract the audience all the time, you need a variety of vulgarity and a base that breaks through the lower limit, and you need creators to use their brains. As Knoxville said when facing serious media questioning the meaning of its film: "Our film is meaningless, but we are seriously thinking about how to please the audience in new ways, and everyone is working hard for it. Isn’t this meaningful?”
This sentence can be used to explain "Movie 43", which is meaningless, but the directors and stars have been thinking about spoofing. The movie can't talk about the overall story at all, the structure is very loose, you don't even need to be afraid of being spoiled. The three second-for-nothing children wanted to play a prank, and they found the strange stuff named "Movie 43" by mistake. The film is composed of several shameless videos. It started with a date between Kate Winslet and Hugh Jackman. , When Hugh Jackman unwrapped the scarf, a pair of testicles under the neck appeared in front of the audience with a full sense of sight (the weakness of an alien in "Men in Black 2" is on the pair of testicles under the neck), this Dangling the cute little thing over the food that was about to be eaten, and finally rubbing gently on Kate's face. Subsequent videos are even worse, with feces and urine, all three ways, all the stars seem to suddenly not spare the good image that they have worked so hard to build, to please the audience. Naked or anything is a trivial matter, I will tell you, is Harry Berry's cheese pounded with F-cup big breasts delicious?
With such a lineup and such a plot, how can the Golden Raspberry Award be let go? In the latest Golden Raspberry Award nominations, "Movie 43" won 6 nominations, second only to Adam Sandler's "Growing Up 2". Harry Berry was nominated as the worst actress for his self-harming role. I expressed my anger. I put on makeup and fake breasts. Is it comparable to the catwoman of the year?
It is also a spoof comedy. The gap between "Movie 43" and "Growing Up 2" is not only in the two nominations. "Growing up 2" has fewer jokes than the first one, and a few paragraphs are nothing new. At most, it allows the number of stars to be counted, and the audience can't feel sincerity. It has become the biggest flaw of the movie. In contrast, "Movie 43" is more novel, and the stars are also hard at self-mutilation, doing all they can to laugh at the blog audience. From this perspective, shouldn't the biggest winner of the Golden Raspberry Award be "Movie 43"?
There are always people who criticize such films for lack of social responsibility. Okay, I admit that if a minor has watched it, he might really want to kidnap the fairy and ask for gold coins, or kidnap the Fairy Flower and pay her gold coins...
But discussing the meaning of this kind of movie itself is a very brain-dead thing. Just as you can pretend to think deeply about a lot of things after watching "East Evil and West Poison", but after watching "Eastern Evil and West Poison", just laugh. However, we may say that it is meaningless, but we cannot say that it is worthless. Seriousness and decency are important, but not everyone just likes to watch "The Fantastic Drifting of Juvenile School". Many times, letting go of the pursuit of the ultimate meaning of life, letting go of the burden of social responsibility, and unscrupulously expressing one's own weird ideas is also one. A valuable voice. A good spoof movie can dispel the heaviness brought by seriousness and break the barriers of valuable concepts in a ridiculous way. There are already too many serious rules and regulations in the world. Unscrupulous entertainment can play the role of catfish, stirring up a pool of muddy water. Although it seems dirty, it contains nutrients and can stimulate other fish to fight for survival and maintain vitality. . Otherwise, the whole society is like the country of Big Brother, silent and peaceful, but terrifyingly dangerous.
This kind of courageous self-ridicule and self-subversion is a very important reason why American movies are popular. The so-called unbreakable and unreliable, breakthrough development in the subversion, not only the film, but also the culture.

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Movie 43 quotes

  • Baxter: [segment "The Thread"] Don't let him pull his own dick off.

    Mrs. Cutler: Why would he pull his own dick off?

  • Sitara: [segment "The Thread"] I need to be out slaughtering.

    Baxter: No! You're carrying my seed. You must stay here where it's safe. Where I could protect you.