Awl and Teeth

Sammy 2022-04-22 07:01:17

The beginning of the story is punctual, and its causal relationship is simply attributed to one sentence: 'self-righteousness - incommunicability between people - other people are hell - fear of becoming a devil before going to hell', this is an egg, but what about a chicken? Chicken is opinionated? We’re all talking and justifying ourselves, or else it’s not going to be a game. A bureaucrat’s line at the end of Cohen’s previous film “Burn After Reading” is to the effect: “Things are screwed up, but fortunately we don’t know why.” Yes, inexplicable death Two people, one fled in a panic, the other extorted money from the government for plastic surgery, just an unwarranted government secret document, but it is something that 'A Serious Man' can't wait for, you take it seriously, no matter how much it is Absurd things can be rationalized and realized because of this.
Self-righteous people exist every day, even "self-righteousness" itself is a kind of self-righteousness, you can't save her, 'this how they works', absurdity itself is difficult to eliminate, but it can be effectively counteracted, you just need to take it seriously , the result is an egg, the murderer is a chicken, although the egg may not be laid by the chicken, because the truth may be that the egg gave birth to the murderer, and the murderer just made himself. This is the two sides of the matter, conspiracy and A hotbed of conspiracy theories, it may be religious culture or human nature itself that prompts believers to stab others with the awl.
"The devil is freed. "The theory of the murder of the believer's wife, although sticking an awl in the chest is a very enjoyable thing for some people, but in terms of the pained expression of the old believer leaving the door, it is obvious that he is the one who is relieved. At this moment, It doesn't matter if the old believer is a human or a ghost. Some people have ghosts in their hearts, which is scary, because at this moment, even if you are not, you will become a ghost.
There are two sides to things, but the tarot card will only turn on one side, the card of destiny. Once it is dumped, not only will the 'Rashomon' of chicken lay eggs no longer be a problem, it doesn't even matter if the chicken turns out to be a rooster, and the rooster will lay eggs. Not only are there reports in the news, the point is that you have to believe it When the cause is no longer important, the premise is also not important, which is why we often fail to see the essence of things, because without the cause, even the premise is put on hold.
The Coen brothers have been making the same movie from beginning to end, repeatedly scrutinizing the distance between the absurd and the truth through a certain event, the awl of a believer and the tooth of a pagan, Schrödinger's cat and uncertainty, the Hebrew text on the back of a pagan tooth is a believer What is engraved on the awl is God's will, but God only exists in the world of religious believers, and God's world must be larger than other worlds, especially the personal world, no matter what method of change is adopted, this is the birth of the system, society the formation of the collective unconscious.
Uncertainty is subject to uncertainty, but where does uncertainty come from? "I don't know anything", but I know everything because I can prove that I "don't know anything". Li Ao has a saying: "Not only do I scold you bastard, I can also prove it." That means that although the person being scolded cannot refuse to be a bastard, at least he can know why he is.
South Korean youth did not understand mathematics but learned physics. The so-called two-punch killing of an old master is always the reality. The most important argument of Schrödinger’s cat is that if you don’t take the next step, the next step will not happen. Fight it, there is no shame, this is called reality.

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A Serious Man quotes

  • Larry Gopnik: There's some mistake. I'm not a member of the Columbian Record Club.

    Dick Dutton: Sir, you are Lawrence Gopnik of 8419 Fern Hill Road?

    Larry Gopnik: No, I live at the Jolly Roger.

  • Dybbuk?: I shaved hastily this morning and missed a bit-by you this makes me a dybbuk? It's true, I was sick with typhus when I stayed with Peselle, but I recovered, as you can plainly see, and now I-hugh!

    [She stabs him in the chest with an ice pick]

    Dybbuk?: What a wife you have!

    Shtetl Husband: Woman, what have you done?

    Dybbuk?: Why would she do such a thing? I ask you, Velvel, as a rational man: which of us is possessed?

    Shtetl Wife: What do you say now about spirits? He is unharmed!

    Dybbuk?: On the contrary! I don't feel at all well.

    [Blood begins to seep from his chest]

    Dybbuk?: One does a mitzvah and this is the thanks one gets?

    Shtetl Husband: Dora! Woe, woe! How can such a thing be!

    Dybbuk?: Perhaps I will have some soup. I am feeling weak. Or perhaps I should go. One knows when one isn't wanted.

    Shtetl Husband: Dear wife. We are ruined. Tomorrow they will discover the body. All is lost.

    Shtetl Wife: Nonsense, Velvel. Blessed is the Lord. Good riddance to evil.