Cramer couple fight

Abby 2022-04-22 07:01:09

Neither of the Kramers are at fault on their own, but if you put the whole thing on Billy, he's not both at fault.

ignorant father

Kramer is a good father. When his wife left him, he was mad, complaining, and anxious like his eyebrows were on fire, but he didn't do anything well, and his son said he hated him. , the company has been talking to him. But it is because of these things that it changed Kramer and made him really want to understand life and put his entire energy on the child. The movie also talks about a very real problem. If you want a child, please go to the After the job stabilized, Kramer was dismissed by the company because of taking care of his son, but when he was leaving his face, his son told him that he loved him, read storybooks to his son every night, and played with his son, Picking up his son from school on the hour, this ignorant father became more emotional and more composed.

From the above, he is a good father. In the battle between the Kramers, what he earns is his son. For his wife, what he earns is also a breath of his heart. For Kramer, what he earns is a better life with his son, but Neither of them are bad people.

The Kramers are traditional wives. This is not just a foreign country. This kind of relationship belongs to the world. Think about how many parents in the world have abandoned their children and how many people have filed such lawsuits, but many people are ruthless, and The Kramers thought from their son's point of view. so they are both great parents

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Extended Reading

Kramer vs. Kramer quotes

  • Ted Kramer: The fact is that for the last six months I've been spitting blood to get this agency one of the biggest accounts its ever had and at five o'clock this afternoon we got the account! At eight o'clock I'm walking home with the Vice President who tells me I'm going to be the next Creative Director of this Department and I come through this door, to share with my wife who what was going to be one of the five best days of my life and she looks at me and tells me she doesn't want to live with me anymore! Don't you understand what she's done to me?

    Margaret Phelps: Yeah, she lost her part of one of the five best days of your life.

  • Ted Kramer: Daddy's got to bring home the bacon! Not only does he bring home the bacon, but, he's got to cook it too.