free woman

Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:35

Before watching "Mrs. Kramer", I always thought that women should not be bound by family and lose themselves by being bound by family, but although Mrs. Kramer escaped from family in pursuit of self-worth and sought a life that can be realized as a woman, I am inexplicable. It is a bit disgusting, disgusting this kind of self, for the pursuit of self, regardless of the reality and the behavior of the people around. Instead, Cramer's disgusting workaholic machismo at the beginning completes a transformation into a super dad. This transformation of the film begins with Billy's injury, and the injured Billy is coaxed to sleep by Cramer. , Kramer turned off the lights at the door, the camera shot back on Billy who was sleeping on his side, and the warm yellow soft light hit Billy's tear-stained face, "Dad, I love you" Billy said , At this time, Kramer's shadow extended from the door to the bed and merged with Billy. Such harmony indicates that the relationship between Billy and his father will develop in a good direction. Later, before Mrs. Kramer came to pick up Billy, in the section of preparing breakfast, Kramer beat the eggs, poured in the milk, Billy put the bread, two slices, three slices, into the pot, fry, everything in one go When Mrs. Kramer first left, she behaved very differently. At this time, Kramer was obviously a qualified father. Seeing the father and son hug each other tightly, he suddenly developed a favorable impression of the father who only knew about work at the beginning. . In fact, the maintenance of marriage and family sometimes requires mutual sacrifice, but unfortunately sometimes women have always sacrificed more. There are many housewives around me. They sometimes really sacrifice a lot of their youth and personal life for the sake of their family, while men are always happy outside and ignore family affairs. Women sacrifice too much and men sacrifice too little. The family gradually became unbalanced. We have been looking for a balance between family work and life. At the end of the film, Kramer gradually gets closer to this balance. From outside the elevator, Kramer watched her get on the elevator and watched her go away to the family, so it is still It has to be said that if women are released so that they can pursue life freely, and families give and sacrifice to each other, perhaps a family can be maintained.

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Kramer vs. Kramer quotes

  • Ted Kramer: The fact is that for the last six months I've been spitting blood to get this agency one of the biggest accounts its ever had and at five o'clock this afternoon we got the account! At eight o'clock I'm walking home with the Vice President who tells me I'm going to be the next Creative Director of this Department and I come through this door, to share with my wife who what was going to be one of the five best days of my life and she looks at me and tells me she doesn't want to live with me anymore! Don't you understand what she's done to me?

    Margaret Phelps: Yeah, she lost her part of one of the five best days of your life.

  • Ted Kramer: Daddy's got to bring home the bacon! Not only does he bring home the bacon, but, he's got to cook it too.