"The Devil in the Elevator" is a series of film projects for "The Night Chronicles" led by Nai Shyamalan, the director of "The Sixth Sense" In the first movie, the stage of the movie is set in the elevator of a certain office building. Five people are trapped inside and unable to move. The crowdedness and fear of the secret room make them unable to breathe. Permeating in the middle, while looking for an escape, they also suspect that the devil exists in each other...
The film begins on an ordinary morning, Chris Messina, Geoffrey Arend, Bokeem Wood The five people played by Bein, Caroline Daphna, and Bojana Novakovic took the same elevator to go upstairs. They didn't want to, but the elevator broke down halfway and trapped them in the middle. First, one of them was attacked, and then suspicion and fighting followed... Who is the one who started the dispute? Which of these five people is the devil disguised as a human?
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