A sweet pink background, bright yellow flowers in full bloom, a large, evocative wooden box, and a smug masculine smiley face—the usual tones of bad comedy. This type of comedy is often concocted with a rough plot that is deliberately funny, with a little R rating and a little weirdness.
So I guess no one expected that the tone of the whole movie was sombre and cold; viewers who were expecting to see the intertwining and twisting of the male protagonist Lars and the inflatable doll were bound to be disappointed, because there are very few scenes with kisses throughout the show; and Lars is by no means a smug little boy, but a silent "weird" with serious mental illness.
But as its title translates, the poster is accurate: the sweet background and blooming flowers symbolize warmth and love; the large wooden box suggests that the role of the blow-up doll is really important. And Lars' bright smile is the best expression of his inner happiness.
It was a comedy that failed completely because it brought tears to our eyes. This is yet another absolutely successful comedy because it fills our hearts with joy.
Come to think of it, this is a really contradictory film.
It describes a perfect world where everyone is so beautiful: all people are free from discrimination, prejudice, mockery, and some just earnestly and carefully maintain the world in Lars' mind. Although the world is empty, the beauty in it is real. This kind of beauty is given by the efforts of the outside world. They worked so hard that Lars's closed heart was finally illuminated by it, so that he knew that there was no need to be afraid. He walked out of the empty world closed inside, and he would be greeted by love, understanding and care.
But in such a perfect world, why would there be people like Lars?
Clearly, the doll is Lars' alter ego, and Lars loves it out of his deepest self-compassion. Lars is eager to get a share, the same feeling he has for an inflatable doll (equal to himself). It is a feeling of full understanding, full understanding, and therefore compassion, cherishing and caring. Such a relationship requires not only time, but also energy, complete openness of both sides, and absolute frankness. In real life, between two completely independent individuals, it is quite difficult to achieve this. This is why human beings are doomed to be forever alone from birth. Perhaps Lars understood this, and fell into an extremely pessimistic situation, unable to extricate himself, so that he could only obtain inner comfort by giving a large resin object a soul completely consistent with himself.
But has Lars forgotten that humans were social animals from the start? From the very beginning, humans have been able to communicate with each other and understand each other's inner thoughts without even using language. Today, maybe we have degenerated to the point where we have to speak, but we are still working hard, trying to get closer to each other's inner distance, right?
It was all the wonderful people around that reminded Lars of this. Although everyone was scared, surprised, and didn't understand, everyone was working hard, trying not to hurt Lars anymore, and trying to create an atmosphere that was not only normal but also warm and peaceful for Lars. Until the end, when the priest presided over the funeral, and so many people came, it seemed that lying there was not just a blow-up doll, but a real beautiful and kind girl who died young. What gave her life was a powerful love.
Although there must be someone laughing at and trying to make fun of Lars, the dark side of the show has almost been omitted. There is only beauty in front of us, a beauty that is simple, real and powerful. I was deeply shocked and moved, so I recommend it to everyone I know, I hope you can feel the same heart as I do.
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