What amazes me is the understanding and inclusion of people in the community

Elyse 2022-04-20 09:01:40

Recently, I watched "Juno" and "Love of Inflatable Dolls". These were originally phenomena that violated social ethics and even perverted to some extent. But what surprised me was not the experience of these protagonists themselves, but the The acceptance of them by the people around them and the tolerance of the society as a whole.
Juno's parents fully respected their daughter's ideas after learning that she was pregnant and helped her with pregnancy tests, and the school did not expel her. Russ added It is because of the kindness and understanding of the whole community that everyone treats his inflatable doll as a real person.
Such a society is really fascinating and desirable, and everyone is a free and independent existence.

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Extended Reading

Lars and the Real Girl quotes

  • Lars Lindstrom: I was talking to Bianca, and she was saying that in her culture they have these rites of passages and rituals and cermonies, and, just all kinds of things that, when you do them, go through them, let you know that you're an adult? Doesn't that sound great?

    Gus: It does.

    Lars Lindstrom: How'd you know?

    Gus: How'd I know what?

    Lars Lindstrom: That you were a man

    Gus: Ahhh. I couldn't tell ya.

    Lars Lindstrom: Was it... okay, was it sex?

    Gus: Um. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's uh, yeah, yeah it's kind of - it's uh - no. Well, it's kind of sex but it's not uh, you know? I don't know. I don't know. It's - uh - good question, good question.

    Lars Lindstrom: Yeah, but I have to know

    Gus: [dryer buzzes] Hold that thought.

    Gus: [in basement] You know, you should ask Dagmar

    Lars Lindstrom: I did ask Dagmar. And she said that I should ask you.

    Gus: Okay, you know I can only give you my opinion.

    Lars Lindstrom: That's what we want

    Gus: Well, it's not like you're one thing or the other, okay? There's still a kid inside but you grow up when you decide to do right, okay, and not what's right for you, what's right for everybody, even when it hurts.

    Lars Lindstrom: Okay, like what?

    Gus: Like, you know, like, you don't jerk people around, you know, and you don't cheat on your woman, and you take care of your family, you know, and you admit when you're wrong, or you try to, anyways. That's all I can think of, you know - it sound like it's easy and for some reason it's not.

  • Reverend Bock: Lars asked us not to wear black today. He did so to remind us that this is no ordinary funeral. We are here to celebrate Bianca's extraordinary life. From her wheelchair, Bianca reached out and touched us all, in ways we could never have imagined. She was a teacher. She was a lesson in courage. And Bianca loved us all. Especially Lars. Especially him.