Products from the American Line

Percival 2022-04-22 07:01:14

I read Mineko Iwasaki's autobiography first, and I read it reluctantly.
As long as you compare the photos of Iwasaki with the stills, you will know what is wrong. Geisha is the condensed representative of Japanese culture, and the word Shen Yun is probably the most difficult to capture as an actor.
I really don't understand how the scene of the flower street at the beginning of the show can be so dark or even dirty. Geisha is a pastime of the nobles, and it is a symbol of gorgeous, subtle, beautiful and noble. Why don't those house and street scenes look like that? When Sister Gong appears, no matter how you look at it, it looks like she's playing a prostitute. The so-called "standing like a lily and sitting like a peony" seems like she didn't do it at all: the
action is too big, The words and expressions are too dusty, the head is too high and the back is too straight, failure!
Although Xiao Zhang is always a bit contrived, it is still relatively clear and can pass.
However, those dance gestures have missed the bottom. It may be better to find a real geisha as a stand-in.
Sister Ziqiong is getting better as she gets older, she feels like she's mature, the charm of a mature woman. As comfortable and warm as the setting sun behind her, it would be perfect if she was not a geisha but a Japanese woman.

As for the rest, a film that interprets Eastern culture in a Western way can be summed up in this sentence. The framing, music, and story development lines are all Western-style thinking that makes people mindless.
In comparison, I still think that Chen Chong's heaven and earth look better many years ago.

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Memoirs of a Geisha quotes

  • Mameha: You have a gift for expression.

  • Chairman: None of us find as much happiness in this life as we should.