Homosexual videos that can no longer be grounded

Daphney 2022-04-22 07:01:21

#AdairLifeThis may be the most realistic film among all gay movies. Only Adair understands this kind of love across genders. As she said, she is not Lara, she doesn't like women, But just like her. Two people from different worlds, after experiencing passion, are facing a dull life, but the two people's concerns cannot overlap, each other cannot enter each other's world, and the communication is less and less, which breeds Adair. I never knew why I was so lonely when I was by his side... The wonderful thing about this movie is that it conveys the resonance of this feeling, it has no gender and is about people. The ending is also particularly down-to-earth, although it has a sad atmosphere.

Recommendation index: ✨✨✨✨

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Extended Reading

Blue Is the Warmest Colour quotes

  • Adèle: You don't love me anymore?

  • Emma: You still need some practice.

    Adèle: I'll give it all I've got.