Plastic surgeon's lust for life and death

Derrick 2022-04-19 09:01:48

It is not immoral to be restless by some peculiar fantasies and wild impulses. Such extreme experiences should be seen as a means by which a way may be rediscovered to explore the claustrophobic Dionysian element of man - James Miller, "Foucault's Passion for Life and Death,"

says , this is a spoiler-free film, indeed. By now, there should be a lot of people who have seen it, but I still don't want to talk too much about its plot.

To put it simply, a film of more than 100 minutes is full of various serious taste problems. To be honest, I don't like this kind of heavy-handed plot. I thought it would be bloody, but after watching it, I don't feel any disobedience. It's not the feeling of a small, fresh and heavy-tasting literary film as others say, but an emotional, small emotional. I didn't feel any discomfort except that the "tiger" rudely jumped on Vera and made me sick.

As we all know, the director Almodovar is a gay. I've always agreed with Fassbender on homosexuality. He said there is no difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals, but different forms of affection, and any act of slandering or praising them is stupid.

Same-sex, this is not a gimmick, nor should it be. But I have to admit, as Woolf said, great souls are androgynous. A person with both female emotional intuition and male rational brain must be an excellent mind reader. Many gays and lesbians have both male and female aesthetics, which gives them a unique perspective on issues. He knows what the audience wants and wants to see. But not flattered. It seems to be inadvertent, but in fact it has ulterior motives. It's an understatement to tell such a story. When the dead are so peaceful, there is no unnecessary struggle, only the blood flows quietly.

[Love is the most solid soil in the depths of the soul. ]

He has never reached the ideal state of his love, but the tendency of his inner strong desire makes him love in a clumsy way all his life and never give up. until death.

This sentence can be used to describe the plastic surgeon played by Antonio. From a woman's point of view, he is considered graceful, and he has a deep love for his wife. He knows that his wife has been burned into a ghost after having an affair, but he still pulls her back from the dead line day and night. I don't know why his wife would leave her with such a man. Maybe he was too obsessed with his career and neglected his family, maybe his wife and "tiger"'s senses fit well, or maybe something else. That's not the point of the discussion.

He really loved her so much that he loved her deformed. The doctor's treatment of men is completely beyond the scope of normal people's imagination. Man should not have feelings for his creation, and he is in love with him as well. Such extreme love may be the reason why his wife left him in the first place. However, who knows?

[God created Eve from Adam's rib. From then on, a man's life is complete only when he finds his rib. ]

Apparently, the doctor had found the wrong rib. He is his creator, but he is not Adam, nor is he Eve. No one is going to remain calm after someone else has done that to him. The power of love is greater than the power of death, but this love goes against human relations.

So he kissed his picture and shot him dead. Leave, go back to the mother and the woman she once liked. If I were a man, maybe I would use my current identity to go to a strange place and live anew. But he chose to face it bravely.

I think that God should value everyone who faces life bravely. His final ending may not have been so bad. He appeared in front of her wearing the dress he wanted her to wear. Coincidentally, she was gay and he was now a beautiful woman.

Finally, I sincerely say that the heroine's body is really tempting to commit crimes.

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The Skin I Live In quotes

  • Presidente del Instituto de Biotecnología: You know the application of transgenic therapy in humans is strictly forbidden!

    Robert Ledgard: Yes, I do. And forgive me, but it seems the ultimate paradox.

    [Dr. Ledgard pauses, staying silent while a symposium member walks by]

    Robert Ledgard: We intervene in everything around us. Meat, clothes, vegetables, fruit, everything! Why not use scientific advances to improve our species? You know how many diseases we could cure with transgenesis? Or the genetic malformations that could be avoided?

    Presidente del Instituto de Biotecnología: Don't continue. I know the list by heart and I think of it every day.

  • Robert Ledgard: How are you so sure of what I feel if even I don't know?

    Marilia: Because I know you as if I'd borne you.