Snowden thanks you for the civilization you brought to the world

Brice 2022-04-21 09:02:01

A film brought my memory back to three years ago. I remember at the time, the impression of the whole incident was that a CIA staff member found out that the US government was wanton surveillance of every civilian in the world, brought out a large amount of intelligence disclosure due to serious dissatisfaction with this, and went to Russia by accident. Revisiting the whole incident, when a genius who can earn a ton of money, faced with threats to the public's human rights, equality, and freedom, he stepped forward and made his own choice. Let me ask, if it were us, what choice would we make? At the end of the film, when the real Snowden appears in front of him, he is still thin, but his eyes are firm and his heart is calm. In fact, it's hard to really feel the complicated mood when he sees another bomb blowing up a village for their "credit", but as a person, when everything is being monitored, monitored, When being monitored, it is tantamount to being naked in the world; what's more, losing life due to infinite association. From this point of view, he has taken a brave and difficult step in the historical process of saving human civilization. The progress of society requires every doer with conscience, courage, wisdom and determination like Snowden. Don't wait for future generations to comment, but just tell you now: You did what you should do. Well done.

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Snowden quotes

  • Barack Obama: Every agency and department should know that this administration stands on the side not of those who seek to withhold information, but those who seek to make it known.

  • Edward Snowden: No matter who you are, every day of your life, you're sitting in a database just ready to be looked at.