If there is no hope

Evangeline 2022-04-19 09:01:50

The Coen brothers have always been anti-types, filming the non-mainstream, the struggle of small people, the blue-collar class, the loser, and the inherent absurdity and uncontrollability of human nature. Usually they put their characters or shooting perspectives into the trend of an era/big event. If the audience does not have a deeper understanding of the social background at that time, they often cannot see their excavation of the plot story, which is also their Compared with the world's "universal" movies, movies are a little bit niche. Still, there seems to be hope in that life without the power to move forward.

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Inside Llewyn Davis quotes

  • Roland Turner: [to Llewyn] I studied Santeria and certain other things that squares like you would call the black arts due to lack of understanding, from Chano Pozo in New Orleans. You say you'll mess me up? I don't have to make those childish threats. I do my thing and one day you wake up wondering: "Why do I have this pain in my side?" Or maybe it won't even be that specific. Maybe it's: "Why is nothing going right for me? My life is a big bowl of shit. I don't remember making this big bowl of shit." Meantime, Roland Turner is a thousand miles away, laughing his ass off. Think about that, Elwin. In this car, bad manners won't work.

  • Llewyn Davis: Could you just tell him don't worry, Llewyn has the cat

    Receptionist: Llewyn is the cat?