Don't be afraid of life, seek human rights

Camden 2022-04-23 07:02:00

Just like the fixed long shot of several minutes at the beginning, people are always washing the dirty floor full of shit that can never be cleaned. In the film "Roma", I saw the male "personality", Or irresponsible (no offense, just a matter of fact).

Servants and masters usually have the obvious color of employers in their daily lives, but they are very human when they are in trouble. They don't give up when they are pregnant. After the husband leaves, they lose their main source of funds. , the contrast between men and women's sense of responsibility in the film is obvious, and the servants who can't swim still risk their lives to save 2 children in the sea... Alfonso Cuaron's portrayal of characters is really meaningful (the first time I saw the director's movie, love it)

Talk about some expressions of intent:

The plane first appeared in the training place of the servant's relatives. The plane flew over the "master's head". The word "focus" is mentioned here (important). At this time, the servant was obviously confused and restless. Concentration may only be focused on the child in her belly, but she easily achieved the "concentration action" that the master said, which is very fantastic and unreal!

The plane came from afar, and just flew over the master's head when he made that focused action. At this time, the plane was like a servant, looking for and found the "lover", and the plane finally flew over this symbol of love. After leaving, the master's "focus" is like a servant's lover's focus on martial arts, and he can't tolerate outside interference (pregnancy). He threatens the servant at the front of the hotel, the cinema, and leaves the opposite position.

At the end of the film, the plane flew over, and the servant returned to his normal life and was proud to "focus" again.

In fact, the intention of water runs through the whole film without hesitation. The weather changes from rain to hail to sunny weather are on time for the development and changes of this family.

Rescue the child from the sea, the sea is the birthplace of all living things, rescue the child and regain a new life, and he has also been redeemed and forgiven himself. The child was pregnant before ten months, but the amniotic fluid ruptured, and the palace lock was born prematurely, resulting in stillbirth, and the uterus was opposite to the mother body of the ocean.

The husband moved to the bookshelf, the books piled up irregularly on the ground, and the family lost its skeleton, waiting to be reintegrated...

And the tone of the whole film is a trend from dark to light. The black and white filming makes us feel the real and dramatic texture of the story.

There are many leaps and bounds in the film, I thought it was a shortcoming at first, but after thinking about it, the director wanted us to think about the connotation of the story, and the rhythm of such shots clearly distinguishes the small paragraphs of the film, allowing the film The rhythm of the development is clearer and less unnecessary narrative...

Topics: The yearning and pursuit of feminism, humanistic care, criticism of irresponsible behavior, some discussion of human nature, affirmation of social stability (riots, hospitals). (I even feel a little "alternative" feminism...)

I don't understand at 1 point, someone was singing during the fire

Welcome to exchange and discuss, please forgive me if I say bad, I am currently only an art student.

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Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!