Looking forward to the 15 meters of waves, but only two meters of waves were set off

Zackary 2022-04-22 07:01:23

Somewhat disappointed, "Roma" did not bring me more feelings and shocks, just like the line in the movie "The waves are fifteen meters high, how can there be only two meters." I was looking forward to giving me fifteen meters The stormy waves, but only two meters of waves were set off. Most of the content of the film is derived from the childhood memories of director Cuaron, but his perspective is too objective and indifferent, which limits the social turmoil in Mexico at that time. The deep excavation of the intertwining of individual fates. The excessive use of metaphorical montages in the film is counterproductive. Of course, the camera movement is very comfortable, and the sight and hearing are great. At first, the repeated panning in the room made me feel very tired, but I didn’t understand it until the end of the film. For the director's intentions, I won't give too much spoilers here. Of course, the film also touched me. When mother Sophia told the children that their father abandoned them, she did not guide the children to remember and hate their father, but to maintain the image of the father in the children's hearts. However, in the face of the children's questions, Sophia's two "don't know" words poured out how much sadness. Although the hostess Sophia and the maid Cleo in the film did not become depressed but were reborn after being abandoned by men, the film was already destined to be a female elegy.

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Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!