death and new life

Florine 2022-04-21 09:02:03

In recent years, the Oscars belong to Mexico. The famous "Mexican Three Heroes" have occupied all the best directors since the 86th (except Damien Chazelle in the 89th). It can be said that the momentum is strong, Alex. Sandro Gonzalez Inarido has two blockbusters "Birdman" and "The Revenant", "Birdman" is the best picture, and Guillermo del Toro also uses "Water". "Shape Story" was successfully completed and also won the best picture. Alfonso Cuaron's "Gravity" was the first to win the award. However, this year, his other masterpiece "Roma" has already become a big hit, and the awards season has been applauded. , will the Oscars be far behind?

The "Three Heroes of Mexico" seems to have been internationalized, but Alfonso Cuaron's "Roma" has returned to the mainland and is more private, which is very rare.

The film shoots a servant, and the unpopularity exudes the enthusiasm of the times. The black and white images allow us to more truly experience the turbulent Mexico and the awakened people in Mexico.

Chaos unfolds slowly from the cracks of a middle-income family, and the marriage is in a hurry. Husband Antonio was leaving and said he was on a business trip to Quebec. His wife Sophia had a premonition and knew her husband's second heart. Sofia hugged her husband who was leaving from behind, and was very reluctant. We will wait for you at home to return, and then offer a warm and unwilling end. A kiss, a parting kiss, watching her husband's car pass through the honor guard on the street and drive away slowly, Sophia stopped for a long time, her chest twitching and sobbing.

Then came the love of the servant Cleo. After having a relationship with Fermin, who was obsessed with martial arts, Cleo became pregnant. When she told Fermin about it at the cinema, Fermin did not watch Louis De ·Fines's highly comedic "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" escaped from the tiger's mouth and slipped away. On the screen, Louis de Fines was in high spirits with his friends on the plane. Leo was not happy at all.

There was hail in the sky.

The cold hail slapped randomly on my face, and my heart seemed to be slaughtered by a bayonet.

Sophia was restless. When taking Cleo to the hospital for examination, she inexplicably drove between the two cars. When she drove into her alley, she either hit the door or hit the wall, leaving Gellersi, who was carefully protected by Antonio, covered in scars. "We're both alone," she said to Cleo, drunk, and no matter what anyone says, we're always alone as women.

When Sophia was talking on the phone, Paco was eavesdropping on the door. Sophia pushed the door open, slapped her in the past, and yelled at Cleo that she hadn't stopped her.

Paco and Tono fought over the toy car, and Paco threw something and smashed the door glass.

There was a riot in the street, there was chaos, the old lady took Cleo to pick out a crib, someone ran into the store, followed by a few young men with guns, among them Fermin, who pointed a gun at the old lady and Cleo.

Cleo had a miscarriage and was stuck in traffic, and it was two hours before she arrived at the hospital.

Hospitals are overcrowded.

The doctor couldn't hear the baby's heartbeat.

Cleo stroked the dead baby's face, heartbroken and unwilling to let go.

For Cleo's child, stillbirth is death.

For Cleo and Sophia, it was the death of love and marriage.

Sophia bought a new car, it was smaller and cheaper to drive into the alley with ease, and the big, scarred Gallesi, Sophia sold it, had to give it to the buyer in a week, she was going to Stupan Take a farewell trip.

At Stupane's dinner, Sophia confessed to the four children that her father left the house, and that she said that she was going to Quebec was a lie. She was starting a new car, and she no longer taught part-time, but would join a publishing house and work full-time. Independence both financially and spiritually.

It's not loneliness, it's female independence.

We must face it together, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

While eating dessert, there is a couple of newlyweds taking pictures on the other side, which is a blatant irony.

In the sublimation part of the film, Cleo, who can't swim, saves Sophie and Paco, who are about to drown, and the four children and the two mothers hug each other.

I didn't want her in the first place, I didn't want to have her in the first place.

Cleo lost her own child, but saved Sophie and Paco, who were like her own.

For Sophie and Paco, who were rescued from the tide, new life.

For Cleo, who saved Sophie and Paco, it was the release of a burden and a new life.

Also freeing the burden is Sophia, who no longer relies on men, relies on marriage, and begins to be independent of women, also belonging to the new born.

Pepe was lying on the slate on the roof, I couldn't speak, I was dead.

Cleo said, I kinda like the feeling of being dead.

Pepe once said to Cleo, when I was old, you were there, but you were a different person; before I was born, I was a pilot, when I was a little older, I was a sailor , but I drowned in a storm.

With Pepe in his past and present life, he did not experience death, all he had was a new life.

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Extended Reading

Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!