As women, we are always alone

Yasmin 2022-04-20 09:01:41

"As women, we are always alone."

My husband said that as men, they are always alone.

Then the problem comes, we are obviously together.

Last weekend, I joined the Wonderful Film Group to watch the introduced Oscar hit "Roma". It was just after one o'clock in the afternoon - my sleepy point, I had been struggling in a low-key black and white image, until I heard this line in the movie, the tiger's body was shocked, and my heart was related.

Aside from the unfamiliar social background, director Alfonso Cuaron's personal video expression, and the deliberately opened time distance with the video... Apart from these many unfamiliar elements, the content and theme of the film turned out to be So close.

Cuaron is a male director who tells the story of two women with his calm, restrained, yet emotionally charged brushstrokes.

The title of the film "Rome" has nothing to do with the famous Italian city, but writing ROMA upside down is AMOR, which means "love".

And in the giver of love, the male is absent.

The film mainly shows two women, one is the maid Cleo, who is the first point of view in the film; the other is the middle-class wife Sophia.

The man Cleo knew was bombastic and enthusiastic at first, but ran away when he learned she was pregnant.

She went to him, and he spoke harshly, threateningly, and adding force.

In the turmoil of the revolution, he even pointed a gun at her. Although he did not shoot, it could be said that he killed the child in her womb.

And another middle-class wife Cleo, life is not so decent as it seems.

Her husband, who only knows how to do a wave of gaudy tricks when driving, makes people feel so oily.

He abandoned his wife and four children at home, let himself go, and wandered outside alone.

The director is also very prank, making his wheels and soles of his feet stained with dog shit on the ground from time to time, the irony of this greasy middle-aged man is self-evident.

Cleo and Sophia are in different classes, but their experiences of being abandoned by men are in sync with the gods.

Sophia needs to readjust herself and support the family independently.

She lived a life of stumble and chicken feathers, and the director used some small details to show it quietly.

For example, when she drives, her stumbling skills can be called suicide, which is ridiculous.

The film begins with several minutes of repeated floor-washing shots that set the tone for the slow, calm narrative. But the director will also show humor in his calm narration, which is occasionally absurd.

For example, the lover of Cleo, who claimed that practicing martial arts saved him. In the small hotel, he performed martial arts naked against Cleo, showing his heroism. His actions afterward showed that he was a complete scumbag.

And the bravado of that famous martial artist. Men always seem to be ostentatious.

Even the inexplicable social riots and revolutions they participated in seemed like the product of hormones with nowhere to vent, and their significance in the movie seemed so dubious.

Because of the director's autobiographical nature, the film has several children's childhood perspectives. Perhaps because of this, the unrest and turmoil in the society promoted by men are seen with a bit of fog. Only the time and love women give can be so real.

Men are pragmatic, only women are pragmatic.

The life under the care of women is as calm as water, but also has huge waves.

There are two climaxes in the movie, one is the scene where Cleo gives birth, and the other is the scene where Cleo saves people by the sea.

Cleo gives birth to a dead baby, and the plot is so realistic and so thrilling under Cuaron's lens.

I've been watching some TV dramas recently, and I'm troubled by their abuse of BGM. Popular melodramas try to manipulate the audience's emotions with similar simple external means.

In a film like "Roma", the sophistication of the audio-visual language is that it is an introverted expression that drives the audience's own immersion in the image.

The tragedy of Cleo was also foreshadowed in the earlier plots. While drinking on the farm, a friend probably said: I wish our 1971 a successful year, and I wish you a safe birth. But the dancer next to him accidentally bumped him, and the cup in her hand shattered.

And Cleo also had doubts about whether to have a baby in her womb. When she was looking at the baby during the maternity checkup, an earthquake happened - I felt that it was not only an earthquake, but also a shock in her heart.

As a mother, after the death of her child, she also blamed herself for the ungodly treatment of her child's life in her heart.

Others say that the dead baby is also a metaphor for revolution, representing the demise of certain social changes.

Another scene, two children playing on the beach, about to be swallowed by the waves, made me nervous, because this kind of thing is also heard in reality.

Cleo, who can't swim, rushed into the waves and rescued the two children. After that, Cleo, Sophia and several children hugged together. They were alone, and they hugged each other and became a family.

From a child's perspective, Cleo and Sophia are probably one. In the movie, many times Cleo is restrained after being attacked, but Sophia is a bit hysterical, and I feel like Sophia is also expressing Cleo's emotions.

In the eyes of the children, they are all mothers who are responsible for life and worthy of praise.

Going back to what I said at the beginning, people are lonely many times and have to face the waves of life alone. But we still need that moment of embracing, even if it comes to give us a little strength.

View more about Roma reviews

Extended Reading

Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!