"Rome": All roads lead to Rome, and they live in "Rome"

Tiana 2022-04-20 09:01:41

This is "Once Upon a Time in Childhood" by Alfonso Cuaron. It is a female elegy for two classes (master and servant, middle class and working class). This is "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" of revolution and counter-revolution. Above all, this is a movie about love.

This is "Once Upon a Time in Childhood" by Alfonso Cuaron.

It is a female elegy for two classes (master and servant, middle class and working class).

This is "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" of revolution and counter-revolution.

Above all, this is a movie about love.

In fact, it's hard to imagine that Alfonso Cuaron, who has directed Hollywood blockbusters such as "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (2004) and "Gravity" (2013), would make such a highly personal film. A black and white "art piece" of color.

After all, Alfonso Cuaron is a big director who has been in Hollywood for many years. He endowed "Roma" with extraordinary audio-visual effects with his superb technical ability, and he brought "immersion" to the audience with his own "immersion". The effect of - the premise is that you really enter the memory space of Alfonso Cuaron.

The light and shadow effects, sound and music, lens and composition, and the use of long shots in "Roma" can all be called the "benchmarking level" of "artistic films".

Alfonso Cuaron can make tense and exciting narrative films as well as prose films that are good at creating atmosphere and expressing emotions. The "narrative" of "Roma" is highly prosaic, and the director even deliberately weakens the dramatic conflicts, such as the conflicts between Sofia and her husband Antonio, Cleo and Fermin.

The "narrative" of prose culture may make it difficult for "Roma" to be accepted by the widest movie audience, but it can always find its own "confidant" audience, and even integrate into their life experience.

Some people say that "Roma" is a "smart" movie, "smart" enough to sweep all kinds of awards. As a successful director Alfonso Cuaron, in order to "restore" this memory, he did everything by himself. One person took over most of the main creative positions such as director, screenwriter, photography, editing, and producer. . It is said that most of the furniture in the independent big house in the film was "scavenged" by Alfonso Cuarón from all over Mexico. Such "stupid skills" are used. "Roma" is really not "smart" achievable.

All roads lead to Rome, and everyone thinks of "Rome".

In the film, "Rome" is a middle-class "noble community". In the "words" of my dynasty, "Rome" should be the place where "people yearn for a better life".

People who live in "Rome" live in independent big houses, with garages, servants, and pets. They can also give their children a worry-free, happy and fulfilling childhood.

The middle class in the city of "Rome" lives a prosperous and glamorous life on the surface, but their emotional and spiritual predicament is the dark side of the "good life". The social turmoil and chaos at that time cast a shadow over their lives.

Cleo comes from the bottom of society and works as a maid in Sophia's house. She got pregnant unexpectedly and was abandoned by her boyfriend. Her experience was worse than Sophia. It is the similar emotional encounter that brings Cleo and Sofia closer, and Cleo and the whole family closer. In terms of material life, Cleo can never be a "Roman", but she has integrated into this family, sharing the warmth and love of this family, and she has become a "Roman" spiritually.

Alfonso Cuaron dedicates the film to Libo. Libo was Alfonso Cuaron's childhood nanny, the prototype of Cleo in the film.

From the film, Sophia is a strong and great mother. After "losing" her husband, she struggled and went crazy, but after she got out of the sinking, she did not "instill" hatred into her children, but calmly, Be brave enough to start a new life. Alfonso Cuaron certainly respects and loves his mother, but he dedicates the film to Libo, not his own.

Mother and Alfonso Cuaron are connected by blood, and their instinctive love may not need a "salutation". Libo is different. The love she has for this family, the love she gets from this family, is a kind of love that transcends blood.

"ROMA" ("Rome"), written in reverse, is "AMOR", which happens to mean "love" in Spanish.

People who live in "Rome" may not be so lucky, their lives are sometimes, as Antonio put it, "a piece of shit". But the love in "Roma" eventually washes away the inadvertent "shit", just as Cleo has been washing out the garage in the opening credits.

The love in "Rome" is incomplete and flawed. Antonio is a looming existence in the film, and the love between him and Sofia is even more complicated-he once loved Sofia? Or did he just obediently love Sophia for many years? Children have a hard time getting their father's love, but they can at least trust that their father loves them. Cleo is only Fermin's hormonal catharsis object, and he can't talk about her love. Cleo and her mother are also estranged, and the love between them, poor and humble, may have been worn down by livelihood.

What you can't get is what you can't get, let's embrace what's left of love.

At the beach, after Cleo desperately (she can't swim) rescues two children from the waves, Sofia, Cleo, and the children hug each other and cry. They have each other and have all the love of each other.

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Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!