As women, we are always alone

Lourdes 2022-04-19 09:01:53

The long-awaited release in Rome finally came out, so last weekend I called my friends and friends to watch it on the big screen. I deliberately waited for a while before writing to avoid spoilers and let my mood settle.

Although the background of the story is Mexico in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the social picture described is still a problem faced by most developing countries. The director dedicated the film to Libo, the maid in his family when he was a child. I really like the director's story from the perspective of this woman from the bottom. She works as a maid in a middle-to-high-class white family in the Roma district of Mexico City. Their family has a big house, a car, four children, and the beauty of not having to work. Mistress, and husband of a famous doctor.

On the surface, perhaps this is the standard middle-class life dream that many people aspire to. But when the maid turned off the lights and went downstairs, although the hostess went to close the door, we still heard the man shouting impatiently to his wife, "Where are my clothes?" When her husband lied about going on a business trip to Canada and couldn't wait to leave the house, the hostess ran to him and tried to hug her husband, but this man who was actually going to spend the night with his lover only had a look of disgust.

Do rich men turn bad? We always think that upper-middle-class men can "take for granted" to cheat on the outside, because their wives will always "choose" to forgive him in the end. But the experience of this simple maid tells us that the truth is much more than that. She became pregnant after dating a boyfriend who also had nothing from the bottom. When she told her boyfriend about it at the movie theater, the man who had attacked her immediately found an excuse to go to the toilet and ran away. When she finally found his whereabouts with a big belly and finally found him at the training ground, the other party threatened: I don't know you, if you dare to come to me again, I won't beat you up.

Is it because they are all unkind and unlucky?

I don't think so. This kind of systematic and structural problem is not just one or two women who have encountered "scumbags". Mexico in those days, like a country today, how we were raised as children (what to do for men, what to do for girls), how we watched our parents get along (how many of them learned to love and express love), how are our surroundings (many men scolded women for being too much money-worshippers and always thought that they could solve all problems with more money, many women scolded men for not doing housework and at the festivals created by various businesses Compare the gifts and red envelopes you received).

A colleague left last week, so we went to dinner together and saw her off. During dinner, the only girl who was married and had children said that she had deleted her husband's WeChat for a long time, but last week her husband was on a business trip, so she added it back in order to let him video with her son. She couldn't help but complain to her husband. She said that she was doing housework and taking care of the child alone, and the child kept crying, she felt that she was going crazy.

As a result, her husband replied: Is this going to be crazy?

She said that I was so pissed off at the time that I really wanted to divorce countless times, but my parents disagreed. Their final statement was: Well, if you can still find a (man) person who wants you, we will agree to your divorce. Bar.

In the movie, when the mother takes her four children and the maid on a beach vacation (actually asking her husband to remove his belongings), she confesses to the children that she is about to divorce her husband. Because of the same experience of being abandoned, two women from different classes form an alliance, hand in hand, and face the storms of life together.

Although I think that the barriers of class are sometimes even stronger than the common identity of women, I am still very happy to see the friendship of women finally being shown on the big screen again.

As women, we don't have to be alone all the time.

On the day of 520, confess my female friends

May 20, 2019

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Extended Reading

Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!