
Lelia 2022-04-21 09:01:59

Wanquan is the warm version of Woody Allen. I don't like this kind of chatter movies. The scenes are pitiful: the airport, the road, the Greek house, the road, the apartment, the beach, a man and a woman repeating their own freedom and collective. The conflict of career, emotion and family derived from the bondage. It is possible to get more inspiration from reading a book, or reading a novel, or watching a play than a movie.
The heuristics it brings: how to make a big movie in a simple scene with a small cost; how to condense "small" conflicts in a simple scene of life.

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Extended Reading

Before Midnight quotes

  • Jesse: I love the way you sing. I fucked up my whole life because of the way you sing. Alright? And if you put one-eighth of the amount of time that you put into bitching into playing scales, you'd be like Django Reinhardt.

  • Celine: Still there. Still there. Still there. Gone.