Let love go to warm and cold war

Berenice 2022-04-23 07:01:59

The story is not complicated, but the ending is heavy. I don't know if it's from a real historical event, but the moment I saw the heroine speak French (instead of English) when she gave birth, I vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Because this passage comes from a true story. Historically, a Russian female spy lurked in a certain country for several years. Because of her professionalism and authentic language, she was never exposed until her child was born. At the moment of extreme pain, she revealed a Russian moan.

This is the true expression of people losing their minds in a very painful situation, and because of this, the medical staff in charge of the production doubted her identity and immediately reported to their superiors.

The final outcome is predictable.

In the end, the heroine committed suicide to save the lives of the hero and the child, and to prove that she really loves the hero. I think this answer, although painful, can at least warm the war a little.

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Allied quotes

  • Max Vatan: Heard a lot about you, saying you were beautiful... and good.

    Marianne Beausejour: Being good at this kind of work is not very beautiful.

  • Max Vatan: Come with me to London to be my wife.