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Monroe 2022-04-19 09:01:50

As long as the film of Triology that has started too far, almost will not fall behind the sequel, but it is really rare to encounter a masterpiece. I came to watch the first movie because of the recommendation of a family member (to be precise, before that). At that time, there was no limit to watching movies. Whenever there was a good review, I would find it. This kind of thing is classified as the ideal loveism of young people, so I am extremely worried about the psychological age level of the recommender.
But time has passed, and I suddenly found out that the second two films have come again. I have to let you understand that androgen is not a joke. It turns out that "there are lovers in the world who get married" said: fuck when you meet her first time, or fuck when you miss her after the first time. and fuck her when you have her.
What is commendable is that the actors, screenwriters, and directors are basically the same age. Regardless of the cultural differences between countries, our understanding of the world is basically in one annual ring. Online, maybe it's like this "love has to be a little passionate", or "life is but a spring dream", or "time is a butcher's knife", etc., which are normal to us, but there is such a director willing to Tirelessly presenting it on the big screen, we can no longer avoid such exciting topics as youth invincible. . .

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Before Midnight quotes

  • Jesse: I love the way you sing. I fucked up my whole life because of the way you sing. Alright? And if you put one-eighth of the amount of time that you put into bitching into playing scales, you'd be like Django Reinhardt.

  • Celine: Still there. Still there. Still there. Gone.