Only ruthless people can survive, this may be the cruelest place in war

Kristofer 2022-04-22 07:01:22

The two of them started acting as soon as they met, they didn't rehearse, they didn't have the right words, they didn't even meet. I envy the feeling of having a partner who can cover each other. No matter what happens, they can immediately think of countermeasures and can make corrections according to each other's expressions. Although they have never discussed in advance, they can still behave as if they were experiencing it together. the same. Those who can be spies are really people with high double quotient.

Marianne's job should be to seduce Max, which is the only way for her to penetrate the enemy's heartland. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether the car shock in the flying yellow sand was caused by true feelings. At the end, with tears in his eyes, he said, "I thought they couldn't find me." This makes no sense. Since it was planned to use the life of a Nazi officer for spies to break into the enemy, the entry point, Max's background, must have been investigated. Max returned to the UK and was still in his old position, so finding her was a piece of cake.

I even felt like she only showed her true feelings when she gave birth, which is why she yelled at Max that this is the real me. Other times she doesn't have the courage to say it.

According to my dark psychological malicious speculation, she didn't fall in love with Max as soon as they met. Such a stern and taciturn man should not be fatally attractive to a woman as knowledgeable as her. Therefore, I prefer that she is on a mission until the baby is born. Until one day she felt real pain. Becoming a mother is a watershed moment for a woman—of course, it is also a man—the flesh that has fallen from the heart can make a woman who is determined and determined suddenly become extremely soft. What Marianne really fell in love with was this home, a warm home with a husband and children. She no longer needs to go out and play in the upper class every day. Her audience is only Max, and she is often away from home. She has a lot of time to enjoy the leisure she has never had before. The most important thing is to have someone by her side who can make her give everything. Man, the one who needs her all-round protection.

In fact, I have always been surprised that every time the couple went out, they had to hand over the child to a nanny, and the nanny was a German spy. I can't imagine how Marianne feels every time she hands her baby to the babysitter. It must be as painful as cutting flesh.

From the heroic appearance at the beginning to the tearful drinking of bullets at the end, all these changes are due to her understanding of love and giving her love. Whether it's for Max or the kids. In times of ruthlessness, even if you are besieged on all sides, even if you are in ambush from all sides, you will still deal with it calmly and deal with it easily, but once you have feelings, you will be restrained everywhere, and your heart will be hurt. Only the ruthless can survive, and this is perhaps the cruelest place in war.

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Allied quotes

  • Max Vatan: Heard a lot about you, saying you were beautiful... and good.

    Marianne Beausejour: Being good at this kind of work is not very beautiful.

  • Max Vatan: Come with me to London to be my wife.