
Sven 2022-04-19 09:01:52

The film review "Bumblebee", the second brush, this time I feel very grumpy. I haven't watched a movie for a long time. When I watched "Transformers" before, I liked Bumblebee the most. They all laughed at me and said: Why do you like him? He is the weakest among the Autobots. He is so small and dumb. But I think he is very cute and the most down-to-earth. At the beginning of the movie, Bumblebee's lonely and reluctant eyes when he left the planet of Cybertron is so touching, and then he was beaten so badly when he came to earth, and I cried when I saw his sounder was damaged and he lost his memory. Well, the kid was sleeping soundly next to me, and it was silly for me to silently wipe my tears while wearing headphones and holding up my tablet. When I saw Bumblebee crouching like a puppy in Charlie's garage, I laughed again. When the heroine asked him if he could speak, oh, look at his pitiful little eyes. He really looks like a puppy, and sticks his face on the female lead's hand, hey! What did Optimus Prime send you for? ! Well, you forgot. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the bumblebee is so cute behind a small pile of sand, hahaha. The radio was repaired, and the first thing Bumblebee did was dance, and I even bought Karma. The way he and Memo cautiously greet each other is so indebted, haha. She's also cute when she asks for praise after throwing out the toilet paper. He can actually watch TV at Charlie's house alone, go on a mission! Well, I forgive you for the time being because you lost your memory. In the end, Bumblebee exposed its position because of curiosity) otherwise how would the plot advance). "Smash" and "Bounce Ball" are villains, but it's cool, cool to transform from planes to cars to robots. The Bumblebee and the bouncing ball and the smash fight are very exciting. It turns out that Charlie's diving skills are a foreshadowing. Well, Charlie helps Bumblebee talk on the radio, and Bumblebee helps Charlie find herself. In the end, the human-machine embrace was beautiful. This is a prequel to the "Transformers" series, Bumblebee turned into a Camaro at the end, uh, still cute Beetle.

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Bumblebee quotes

  • Dropkick: Prime is coming here?

    Shatter: They're all coming here. This is our chance to wipe out the Autobot resistance for good.

    Dropkick: We'll burn the whole planet to cinders.

    Shatter: We must get word to Cybertron immediately. Tell them to bring an army. And thanks to our human allies, I know just how to get the message home.

  • Shatter: Thank you for your hospitality, friend Powell. He's all yours.

    [Dropkick blasts Powell into a pile of goo]