Avatar is nothing but a sci-fi version of "The Church"

Barton 2021-12-21 08:01:25

Some people say that Avatar is like "Dancing with Wolves", I say it's more like "The Mission" in 1986.

The grand prize winner of the 1986 Cannes Film Festival, the director Roland Joffe, the actor and the big star Robert De Niro of the year, and Jeremy Irons, Liam Neeson (including one of the protagonists of Schindler's list).
I love watching old movies. Just about two weeks ago, I accidentally watched the epic religious legendary "The Mission" at home. As soon as it came up, I was shocked by the momentum of this movie. It was brilliant and wild. The rainforests of South America, and the insurmountable waterfalls (a scene in Avatar looks exactly like this one). In the middle of the 18th century, Jesuit missionaries risked their lives to preach to the natives. However, there were also Spaniards who came to hunt for slaves. Robert De Niro played a role as a slave trader. Later, he had to repent for killing his brother. The church service, together with two Jesuit missionaries, entered the depths of the Guarani rainforest. With courage and sincerity, they influenced the indigenous people, enabled tens of thousands of people to believe in Catholicism, and established an orderly indigenous diocese without slavery. However, because of the conflict of interests between the European royal families, Spain gave up this colony to Portugal, and the Portuguese decided to destroy the civilization on this land, including the Jesuit missionaries, because the actions of these priests made it impossible for the Portuguese colonists to make it public. To plunder slaves, they don't need truly civilized natives. They think natives are low-level creatures and deserve to be enslaved by whites, and they don't deserve to share the rights conferred by the Bible.
The Jesuit missionaries did their utmost to protect this diocese, and they moved the newly appointed cardinal to inspect. When the bishop was also moved by the pious beliefs of the indigenous people, he still bowed his head to the power-here is the faith Time gives way to interests, and in the face of greedy desire, no religion can stop it.
Therefore, Robert De Niro decided to resist the white regime. They stood on the side of the natives, took up muskets and swords, and fought for the natives. In their hearts, they and the kind natives were God’s warriors. , And the white soldiers who served the Portuguese king are evil demons.
The final battle arrived. The ferocious colonists massacred the devout natives. The missionaries swearing to the death and resisting them all died heroically. This beautiful land was turned into ruins. The natives either died or became slaves-this is a Big cup with.
"The Mission" (The Mission) has many spiritual elements that Avatar does not possess-
strong religiousness. When belief and reality conflict, do you obey your superiors or your own heart? The highest creed of the Jesuits is "obedience," but the priests chose conscience.
Also, Robert De Niro’s protagonist’s psychological process of atonement is both exile and denial of himself, from being a slave trader to discovering his equality with the natives.
"The Mission" does not fall into the stereotyped heroes to save the beauty, and there are almost no emotional clues (of course, Catholics cannot have emotions, but it is not absolute. Many literary works describe the love of Catholics, such as Thorn bird).
The music of "The Mission" (The Mission) is excellent, and the theme music "On Earth as It Is in Heaven" (On Earth as It Is in Heaven) is very beautiful and is a classic in movie music.

There is a line in "The Mission", which is a biblical word read by the priest. I use it at the end of the finale of "Human World". This is also the source of motivation for all their actions-
"If I can speak for ten thousand people Dialects and angels’ words, but without love, I became like a ringing gong and a ringing cymbal. If I had the power of prophecy, I would also understand all mysteries, all kinds of knowledge, and have everything Believe that I can move mountains, but there is no love. I am nothing. If I give up all the money to the poor and sacrifice myself to be burned, but there is no love, it is still useless to me. Love is endurance and kindness; Love is not jealous, love is not boasting, not arrogant, does not do shy things, does not seek self-interest, does not easily get angry, does not count people's evil, does not like injustice, only likes the truth; tolerates everything, believes in everything, Hope in all things, endure in all things, love never ceases... Today there is faith, hope, and love that always exist; the biggest of these three is love."
Of course, I seem to be too harsh on Avatar. From the point of view of commercial films and from the point of view of visual effects, Avatar is top-notch. Commercial films should be commercialized to the end, and there is no need to demand too high spiritual realm. This is not a problem with Avatar, but a problem with myself.

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The Mission quotes

  • Altamirano: Tell them they must leave the missions. They must submit to the will of God.

    Gabriel: They say it was the will of God that they came out of the jungle and built the mission. They don't understand why God has changed his mind.

  • Altamirano: [to Cabeza and Hontar] And you have the effrontery to tell me that this slaughter was necessary?