1. The daughter did not appear in the whole process, and the progress of the story only depends on various social software. Yes, this is the norm in our lives. The advent of the Internet era has made us surrounded by various social software, such as Twitter, Facebook, Tangbure, etc. in the movie, such as our WeChat, Weibo, QQ, etc. It is really easy for us to find the trace of a person, we only need to start with our daily records in the network. 2. The Internet will turn us into a different self, or our true self. As the saying goes, "In reality, only one promises, and the Internet hits hard", which really tells the mystery of the Internet. All the people we meet online are abstract people, so we can remove our pretense and show our true selves. Because no one knows themselves, or magnifies their most extreme malice, or reveals their most vulnerable self. 3. The seemingly harmonious family relationship also needs to be deeply understood and maintained. The age-related generation gap between us and our parents cannot be filled, but that doesn't mean that keeping everything on the surface without communication is harmony. In-depth communication requires each other to test, to invade each other's territory, to achieve an effective communication. But this is the ideal state, I can't do it. In my home, my family and I were unable to convince each other, and the disunity of opinion was maintained in a delicate balance. 4. The female police detective is a little bit bloody about covering up her son.
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