Immortality and the pink unicorn

Chesley 2022-12-13 01:27:39

1. Story structure
First, the main line is the male protagonist investigating the death of Bancroft. As the investigation progresses, Ryker is framed, Mary Lou Henchy commits suicide by jumping into the water, and the mystery of Lizzie's madness is also pulled out, and then the four parallels are parallel until Rei appears, It also leads to the battle of the fortress 250 years ago and the origin of the leather disc. Because of this, the whole drama uses a lot of memories and interludes, which seems too "complicated". When you really watch the whole drama, you can understand the original intention of the story by looking back and sorting out some foreshadowings buried in the front. In general, this is actually a very simple story in itself, but the process of solving the puzzle is very complicated. It seems that the five lines are tangled into a fascinating eye. Whenever I feel tired, there are always new emergencies to promote the plot. Moving forward, stimulating curiosity to whet your appetite. I think it's still a good job in this regard.

Second, the screen effects
have nothing to say. The color, picture and texture are really comfortable.
Take this clip of the clinic escaping from the interrogation, the mint green coat of the staff, the overall cold blue building, the pink backpack with the male protagonist, the viscera and pink flesh of the victim that were dug up, and splashed on the ground. The crimson blood forms a sharp contrast, using cool tones to express the indifference and inhumanity of the interrogator, and warm tones (especially the pure and innocent pink) to show the innocent and beating life of the victim.

Not to mention the special effects, it is already at the movie level, and Netflix has invested hundreds of millions of funds to be useful.

3. Immortality
In my opinion, the theme of this drama is the reflection on immortality. After all, technology is not good or bad, the key is the people who use the technology. The purpose of the cortex disk was good at the beginning, but after its promotion, it has exacerbated the gap between the rich and the poor, the ultimate equality of death has been destroyed, and the boundaries of life have been blurred, resulting in social deformity and the decline of human nature. For the lower classes, who struggled to live on earth and provided various services to the rich in heaven, immortality was their shackles, meaning that servitude would never end. But for the upper class, they regard life as grass, ignore any rules, and regard themselves as gods, but they don’t know that they have already lost their humanity and become monsters. Eternal life is also their shackles, and let the devil put on the cloak of an angel. , deceive oneself, indulge in it.

When the male protagonist told Bancroft the truth, Bancroft said, "I can't be such a person, I thought I had a bottom line." And the male protagonist only said, "You have lived too long." This sentence also applies For Rei, she waited for her brother for 250 years. The person who promised to protect her forever is gone. She can only protect herself. Living too long is enough for her to lose the cherishing of life and the bottom line of morality. She has long since become A monster, just brainwashing himself for the reason of love like "for brother", this is not a simple "brother control", but an excuse to use this crazy obsession to support himself not to be tortured by guilt and go crazy. It was the last trace of humanity she caught. And after Tak denied her, she was dead.

She used the word "eat" to show that she was already a monster at this point.
This society is like a quagmire, in which everyone struggles, and there is no way out.
Dedicated to the brother and sister who have been with each other from the beginning to the end.

4. The pink unicorn
privately thinks this is the biggest highlight of the whole show. It is too eye-catching. It is almost iconic for Tak's character creation. This backpack represents his inner kindness and simplicity. CTAC took it away, skipped the juvenile period, and went directly to the adult prosthesis for training. Although he has grown physically, the little boy has always been hidden in his heart. When Quell saw him for the first time, he saw right through him. Quell is indeed a very powerful character.

Quell is a mentor to Tak, not only teaching him fighting skills, but also giving him spiritual guidance in his beliefs and pursuits, allowing him to grow into a man.
They are true soulmates, supporting each other, fighting side by side, and sharing beliefs. So their sex scene is really impressive. It's almost death there. They use the sky as a cover and the ground as a shelter. They hug each other, the sun and the moon are behind them. eternal.

5. Others
The overall world view of this drama is still very complete and real. The upper-class community, the lower-class community, the isolation area, the interrogation clinic, the hospital, the police station, the brothel, the hotel, the arena and other aspects of society are displayed, with many details. The place is eye-catching.
In addition, let’s talk about the scale of this show, probably because the body is regarded as a skin, like clothes, and it’s the same value as clothes, and most of the characters in it are calm and naked without any provocation. It’s the first time. See. Especially the scene where the many clones of Rei played against Ortega can be said to be quite exciting.

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