Semiotics in "Copy"

Wendell 2022-10-11 20:31:34

When I swiped "Copy", I actually found "Ouroborod" and "Asclepius" in the previous study of semiotics??♂️

[Ouroboros (Ouroboros), a symbol of the unity and eternity of the universe. It bites its tail with its mouth to form a figure-8 snake. It was originally a giant snake that surrounded the entire world in ancient Greek mythology. Its wonderful posture symbolizes immortality, perfection, infinity, world, wisdom and other meanings. However, it gradually got rid of the objective existence and became a symbolic existence. Later, medieval European magic researchers, especially alchemists, worshiped it as the king of magic, and in alchemical symbolism, Ouroboros was a symbol of volatile substances. 】

[Asclepius (Ahibis, Latin is aesculapius) symbolizes the ancient Roman god of medicine "single snake rod". The wooden stick represents the spine of a person, and it exactly represents the midrib of a person, which is located in the middle of the spinal cord, also known as the lifeline. Because of the molting properties of snakes, snakes are used to symbolize renewal and metabolism. Here it stands for "Kumantra" (Kumantra, is a maternal force, a reflection of the mother force of all things outside, this maternal force has always nurtured us, took care of us, she knows everything about us, when the time is right , under the right conditions, the Kundalini will arise, connecting us to the omnipresence of the whole energy. The Kundalini is hidden in the triangular sacrum at the base of the spine during the human embryonic period. The process of moving upward in a spiral.) Now this symbol is also used in the medical field. 】

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