While the popularity of SpaceX has not passed, let's talk about this "brother control" drama

Chris 2022-09-04 00:41:30

"These future supermen are not absolutely immortal like the gods, they can still die in war or accident, and can't be brought back to life; nor are they mortal like us mortals, their lives will not have an expiration date. As long as Without bombs to smash them to shreds, trucks to grind them into pâté, they could be immortalized. In doing so, they may be the most anxious group of people in history. Mortals know that life has a career, so they are willing to risk it. Like going up the Himalayas or riding the tide in a raging sea; and doing other things that are considered dangerous like crossing the street, going to a restaurant to eat. But if you believe you can live forever, it might be crazy to keep taking risks like this ." This quote is from Yuval Harari's A Brief History of the Future. Maybe the future of mankind will indeed be as written in the book, as long as there are no accidents, some people can live forever. But in this show, the richest group of people in the world can continue to live even in the event of an accident. Altered Carbon, translated as carbon change/copy, humans are carbon-based organisms, and the human body is based on carbon and water. Altered Carbon can be simply understood as the change of the body, that is, the conversion between sleep and sleep. When I watched the preview, I felt like I was just telling an old-fashioned story under a cyberpunk setting. If the expectation at the time was only 6.0/10.0, the score after reading it could be 8.0+/10.0. The first 6 episodes seem to be really enjoyable. After my sister appeared, the plot collapsed a little, and it completely turned into a "brother control" drama of "I want to kill all the people my brother likes because my brother can only like me" , the sword fight in the last episode was a bit awkward, and the supporting cast came together to find the male protagonist to form a team, which made me suspect that I was watching The Flash (Speaking of the Flash, like this show, the most criticized are women Lord, discuss the heroine separately later). Compared with so many completely unexpected details and turning points in the first 6 episodes, the level after the beginning of the seventh episode began to gradually decline, and even some turning points have the feeling of turning for the sake of turning. Some metaphors about the opening and closing credits

The tattoos of the male protagonist and his sister, showing a dragon biting his own tail with the ∞ symbol
The so-called Ouroboros are snakes that constantly devour their own bodies, and the final result is inevitable death
The scene with the snake in the title, and the human who has finished molting

This may symbolize that humans have jumped out of the ouroboros cycle and shed their skins like snakes to gain new life. At the end of each episode, there are graphics like sparks

At the end of the first episode, a woman (should be a sister)
At the end of the second episode, the male protagonist when he was a child hugged his sister
Episode 3, Heart
In the fourth episode, the male protagonist digs out his heart in VR
Episode 4, The Girl Who Fell From Heights
5. The dragon in the title
6. Till Death Do Us Apart
7. I can't see clearly, it should be the male protagonist (the one played by Will Yun Lee) and his sister
8. A bird with a skull, possibly referring to Head in the Clo
9, looks like a strangely shaped skull
Going back a few frames, you can see that it should be the male protagonist's face. As for whether the shape of the skull is like this or has another meaning, there is no clue yet.
last episode, angel
In the title sequence, a human sheds its skin and becomes an angel

Preliminary analysis shows that all the patterns at the end of the film are related to the hero or the plot, and almost every pattern has hints to the plot of the next episode. But there is no episode 11 after the 10th episode, so it's very irresponsible to predict that there will be a second season. Maybe following the plot of the first season, the male protagonist (may have already changed an actor by then, and finally said to return Ryker's sleep) to another planet to find Quell, and then he will explain what the so-called elder civilization is, Afterwards, there will be a discussion on the ultimate issue of human immortality, and in the end, the normal death of human beings may be restored. See what the writers did when you saw it.

The elder civilization mentioned many times seems to belong to the era of the male protagonist 250 years ago
The concept of angels, it can be guessed that the elder civilization is the angel referred to at the end of the last episode

Next, let’s talk about the heroine. I really like the heroine. Of course, the problem of acting does exist, but the character of the heroine is the type I like, and the actress is also very beautiful (it seems that many people don’t think so , I think she is super pretty~). At first, I felt that the heroine was annoying, and the hero had to intervene in everything. Later, after explaining the reason clearly (the relationship with the hero will not be evaluated, and the feelings in that future society can’t be explained clearly) So hate it but love it. Problems with acting skills, such as exaggerated expressions and sudden ambiguous tone to the male protagonist, are also the places that seem to be criticized the most at present. However, no actor in this play contributed a very good performance. The only one who has a deep memory is the fat gangster who played three roles. As for the background design, the next step is completely personal method. If you don't like it, don't spray it, of course you can spray it. Many people compare it with 2049, but it hardly shows the audience the true face of the world set by cyberpunk like 2049, but shows the true face of the human beings living in this world. The human beings in the film may have done a lot of things that refresh the three views, but even in the real life of the 21st century, some things that refresh the three views continue to happen, so in the future hundreds of years later, what happens in the play things should come as no surprise. Maybe the crew just wanted to use the cyberpunk setting as a prop to talk about this philosophical topic. On the other hand, for a large number of settings that appear in the play, in addition to the core settings of stack, there are also AI and VR, compared to the Westworld which seems to have only one core setting, this play looks like a sci-fi hodgepodge. When there is a setting that is far from modern technology, more settings are often needed to make the core setting tenable. Although AI and VR are not directly related to the core setting of the show, but It also played a role in the advancement of the plot. And some characters that are more soy sauce, such as the rich assistant who wants to be Meth, or the son of the rich, maybe they play a role in reflecting some details, but they seem to have no effect in advancing the plot, and the male protagonist sidekick and his wife 's daughter, I don't know what kind of role the crew wants to portray her as. Yesterday Musk sent a Tesla into space, playing Bao Ye's Space Oddity, I feel the same as this show, illusory and romantic. Maybe in a few decades, human beings will start to colonize another planet, maybe in a few hundred years, human beings can live forever as in the play. But as said in the play, death is the last bottom line of human beings. The former team doctor of USA Gymnastics was sentenced to 175 years in prison. If he knew that he would not die, he might just take the 175 years as a nap. After 175 years, he can do whatever he wants, the big deal is just to squat for decades and hundreds of years. year. Perhaps many people have imagined that one day human beings will be able to get rid of the shackles of flesh and blood, but the cycle of life and death is also a part of human beings. Probably the ideal future, like San Junipero (Black Mirror S3E4), everyone can live in the cloud after death, instead of still walking in the world. If you can watch the plot of each episode separately, I think Carbon Change can definitely be called a divine drama, but after connecting each episode together, it is a bit unsatisfactory, but it is still a movie. The level of excellent drama.

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