A simple evaluation of the American drama "Copy"

Retha 2022-11-14 23:46:24

(The first time I wrote a drama review, I beg you not to spray.) This drama is worthy of being the most expensive one of Netflix. The style of cyberpunk is well performed. Very good, the only pity is that the AI ​​wave of the Big Crow Hotel finally died. Although I already knew this ending from the beginning of the story, it is still very sad to see the wave die. I really hope that there will be a second season. Po can be edited back, and the Avengers and the nail gun are blind At the same time, it does not lack a certain deep meaning, so that the audience can fully appreciate the good visual impact without thinking too much about the plot and be mentally exhausted. …Wow! It turns out that Bancroft really committed suicide... In addition... the screenwriter is sick and spoiled, isn't it... In short, it is a very good drama, if you can cut out the pornographic plot and make it into a movie, it will feel good

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