die of greed

Jevon 2022-11-15 05:18:12

People are not enough to swallow elephants. Even in a technologically advanced future, this is still the case.

Eternal life, as the dream of mankind for many years, is also the warmth of greed in this world.

Because it involves life and death, it must involve religious belief. Before a killer kills, ask if you have faith.

Man's ability to manipulate life and death is actually usurping the power of God. Even the rich man Bancrojeev claimed to be God.

Think about it, if one day artificial intelligence is really omnipotent, even more advanced and smarter than humans, and all the work is handed over to artificial intelligence. If things go on like this, humans will basically degenerate into pigs and become slaves of machines.

So Musk said that if artificial intelligence is dictatorial, the deadline will be forever. The solution may be human-machine integration.

Just like in TV dramas, the body is damaged and nothing, and the consciousness can be digitized.

In theory, man achieves eternal life.

Like Westworld, humans who achieve immortality seem to have lost their goals in life. In fact, living for too long, the threshold has increased, and general sex is no longer exciting, so the brothel provides various perverted gameplay such as torture to meet people's needs. Furthermore, the body can be replaced, and it is not as precious as before, it is nothing more than a matter of price. Rich people can afford it.

Humans may experience nothingness more than ever before.

In the TV series, the class difference is still significant, and the upper class can basically achieve immortality because they can afford to replace the beautiful body. The middle class can barely get a body of average quality by paying in installments, and can barely achieve immortality. The people at the bottom died because they couldn't afford to replace their bodies, and the rich man Bancrojeev was worshipped by them as a god. In particular, the scenes of Bancrojeff's brainwashing the people at the bottom to win admiration are disgusting.

I don't agree with the idea of ​​future class division in TV series. From an economic point of view, the emergence of artificial intelligence has led to a great abundance of goods, and currency has lost its value, so class does not exist.

The resources on earth are limited, but the resources in the universe are unlimited.

Of course, the class division in the TV series is an insinuation of reality.

Similar in style to Blade Runner, both in photography and subject matter.

It seemed like it had been raining, the rain was so unreal. Seems like it's man-made too, or maybe it's man-made. I especially like the dim, foggy atmosphere in the rain. Just like the rain at the moment. The rain that once appeared in the dream.

The modern city is basically similar to the city in the TV series. Skyscrapers, flying machines in the sky.

A paranoid incestuous love, the sister insists on monopolizing the brother. Because of love, how many people have been killed in vain.

She thought that by eliminating her rival in love, her brother would love her and stay with her. How is it possible that the values ​​are so different.

This film really refreshed my lower limit of cognition about torture. It turns out that the space warrior cattle is not only fighting, but patience in the face of torture.

There is no limit to the evil of human nature.

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