Is immortality a good thing? not

Rebeca 2022-11-22 10:15:34

What was the earliest human pursuit that ancient and modern China and foreign countries reached an agreement on? is immortality.
In ancient China, basically an emperor asked for immortality. The most famous one was Qin Shihuang. The alchemist Xu Fu asked for the elixir of immortality for Qin Shihuang.

(Qin Dynasty: Xu Fu went to sea to find the way of immortality for the first emperor)
The European witchcraft in the Middle Ages studied various death rituals and curses on the one hand, and longevity and healing on the other hand. The most famous example is the Egyptian pharaoh. The pharaoh built the pyramids and let the god of death guard the tomb, which is the desire for immortality, reincarnation, and immortality of the gods.

(Pharaoh's Pyramid)
In modern times, the development of medicine is actually another form of the pursuit of "immortality". Chinese and foreign scientists have consistently researched ways to treat diseases and increase human lifespan.
In modern times, every few years there are major medical advances that predict the immortality of human beings.
What if the scientific prediction of immortality came true? The biggest possibility is as described in the American drama "Copy": the human consciousness is stored in the stack, which is actually equivalent to a mobile hard disk; and the human body is cloned and stored through biological science and technology, and can live forever.

(In the TV series "Copy", the body that has been stored for 250 years is loaded into consciousness and resurrected.)
In fact, the storage of consciousness is not far away: aren't the sounds and images stored on mobile hard drives part of human consciousness? Body preservation has already begun, and cloned sheep have been around for more than 20 years. Storing consciousness and waiting for resurrection is already a business, commonly known as "frozen corpses". A few years ago, there was the first Chinese to freeze corpses.

(In May 2015, Du Hong, a Chongqing female writer suffering from pancreatic cancer, died. According to her last wish, she spent 750,000 to freeze her brain, and technology may bring her back to life in 50 years.)
It is precisely because of this that "Copy" can be called "Copy" The most realistic sci-fi TV series. In this play, people 300 years later gain immortality by refrigerating, cloning their bodies, and storing consciousness.
However, immortality is not a good thing. Humans can live forever, but some of the original evils of human beings have not been changed, but have intensified: violence, unfairness... After watching this drama, people who have expectations for the future of mankind will be disappointed.
Technology progresses, but humans don't."
"We are smart monkeys, and we always want the same thing."
"Food, shelter, sex, whatever..."

What kind of world is the world of immortality?
The American TV series "Copy" shows the situation after more than 300 years: on the earth in 2384, human beings can already live forever. Death is divided into physical death and real death. Real death refers to the destruction of the stack used to store consciousness and can no longer be resurrected. Physical death is not real death. Every physical death can be resurrected (as long as you have money).

(The stack that can be called the "Code of Life" is located at the position of the spine in the first section. No wonder it is not allowed to hit here during boxing.)
300 years later, in the world of immortality, the biggest public opinion event is the "653 Act". No Pass: It allows the homicide victim to be awakened to testify against the murderer - let the dead speak.
The bill became a point of contention between activists and conservatives alike: Radicals believed it would lead to justice, while conservatives (especially religious people) believed that returning from the dead was against ethics and belief.
Humans can live forever, and the discussion is on such a high-level topic. On the surface, everything looks good, but the truth is just the opposite - the world of immortality is more violent, bloody, and more unfair.
Let's start with "more violent".
Because: human beings can live forever, so the physical damage is no longer so serious, then, human beings can be fooled.
The poor who lived on the ground walked through the smoky streets and got into the Colosseum to duel to the death, because this is a very mainstream form of entertainment.

(A death arena on the ground)
And the rich, who live in the clouds, are equally appreciative of watching people duel in glass jars.

(A husband and wife fight to the death for money)
Even the wealthy and wealthy will spend money to go to the Fengyue venue, beat the female service staff to death, and then buy her a new body.
Violence isn't the worst, it's even worse: the injustice caused by class divisions.
The wealthy "Majes" live above the clouds, their cars can float in the air, and they have everything in the extreme luxury.

(a car driving in the air)

(high-end manor of the rich)

(dishes at the
rich man's banquet) The discussion at the rich man's banquet is "forgiveness".

(I hated Lawrence before, but a hundred years later, you'll realize it's not good)
And poor people, living on the ground in cyberpunk style, full of garbage, crowded and dirty, every now and then Gunfights (refer to the "Blade Runner" scene).

(Imagine the feeling of being surrounded by rubbish in a dusty and earthy ground environment.) It
’s okay to live, but the more important thing is the ability to control life and death.
After the death of the poor body, there needs to be a new stack of physical storage, but if you don't have that much money, you can only wait for the state to distribute it to you. The result of the state distribution may be: the consciousness of a 5-year-old girl is stored at 80. old lady's body.
The wealthy "Majesty" class not only have the right to fully choose the body, but also can keep their youth and beauty forever, and they can even clone several of them for backup.

(The wealthy "Majesty" class, although they have been married for more than 100 years and are more than 300 years old, are still charming.)
As a sci-fi drama, the depth of "Replica" is chilling down the spine.
If human beings can live forever, then the first to achieve immortality and live better must be people with money or power. These people have been immortal and can make the world a better place? Will not.
Why? If the rich are immortal, they will not spend hundreds of years thinking about how to make the world a fairer and better place, but will only use their infinite lives to make rules that are more favorable to them, and grab wealth and power more madly .
Do you think you are afraid?
Therefore, in the play, the "Majes" class represents Lawrence's various arrogance and extravagance, spending a lot of money to resurrect the last "Space Marine" and let this "Space Marine" serve him.

("Mas" Lawrence)
So, Space Marine Vu Kovacs travels around for high commissions and freedom to find the truth about Lawrence's murder.

(Scarred, muscular, stallion-like Space Marine Vu Kovacs) As
expected of Netflix's big-budgeted annual drama, Vu Kovacs is full of sensuality in his search for the truth. If I want to comment on the largest American drama in 2018, I will definitely choose "Copy". The following are just some of the clips:

After watching a lot of American dramas, you will develop a special ability: the handsome man and the beautiful woman in the play see each other for the first time, and you can roughly guess how long they will be in trouble. this rule.
Of course, there are also many violent and bloody scenes in the play, which are suitable for friends with more serious tastes.
If you want to see it, you can send me a message.

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