God's world is colder and more selfish than man's world

Arch 2022-08-21 11:42:26

Cool! This drama combines science fiction, suspense, religion, human nature, revolution, family affection, love and other elements. The characters are full, the plot is intricate, and the male protagonist is tall and sexy, which is fascinating.

I love the two Blade Runners so much, I can't help but want to find more movies and TV works of similar style, and "Copy" is amazing. Although its tone is cyberpunk, it feels very different from Blade Runner. "Blade Runner" left a lot of blanks in the outline of the whole world, leaving a lot of imagination space for the audience. The episodes of "Copy", on the other hand, have a lot of time, boldly detailing the composition of the world.

The technology in the play has developed to the point where human beings can get rid of death. With cortical storage technology, human consciousness and memory are stored in a small storage device. When the body dies, the "soul" can survive for a long time. The body can come from a clone, or it can be someone else's. If the storage is damaged, it will really die. Artificial intelligence turned out to be a backward technology!

In this context, the entire society is extremely polarized. The rich can get "immortality" by spending money, and even by backing up the data in the storage on the satellite, even if the storage is damaged, it can be resurrected! The poor cannot afford it. The rich live above the clouds, and the poor live on the dirty surface. It's easy for the rich to control the poor. This is simply Yuval Harari's prediction of the future in "A Brief History of the Future". From Homo sapiens to intellectuals, can human nature survive? After living for more than three hundred years, what else can bring joy to life? Thrill, seek extreme thrills. Treat ordinary people as objects of wanton abuse, control the lives and deaths of others, and control the world. Rich people really think of themselves as gods.

Does anyone reflect on this? Yes, people who believe in religion choose to add religious codes to their storage and cannot be reborn again. They think that what is reborn is only data, and the soul will never be forgiven by God. Did anyone resist? Yes, as early as the beginning of this even being applied, there was a leader who resisted with warriors, they were called "Messengers", but the revolution failed and all the messengers really died, except Vu. Kovacs and his sister.

The plot was confusing at the beginning. The male protagonist was resurrected and sent to investigate the case. The suspense route? With the constantly flashing phantoms and memories of the male protagonist, will he still carry on his legacy and continue the revolution? Why is the female police officer chasing the male protagonist? The male protagonist's arrest for a virtual interrogation was a small climax. The scene where he resisted and successfully woke up from the virtual environment was too powerful! After that, the plot gradually became clear. Although the turning point of the final period is a bit bloody, but overall it is still a masterpiece of conscience and it is worth watching. Probably because the ambition is too big, "Dungeon" combines too many elements, and it is inevitable that there will be flaws. But the male protagonist's acting skills really exploded. When he was interrogated and later tortured by Ji's own sister, he really felt the same way.

The next few episodes nakedly showed the annihilation of human nature. The upper class who claimed to be gods treated their own kind with no humanity, and wanted to vent on young girls. The deceived girls naively thought that they could get new bodies and money after being tortured and killed, but the truth was that they were secretly encrypted with religious codes, and they could not wake up after their tragic death.

In the process of watching the movie, the male protagonist and the little fan schoolbag fans who have been with him all the time are fixated on it, and also warmed by the AI ​​hotel owner Poe, who has the courage to continue watching. But I was even more struck by the thought-provoking scenes. Many sci-fi blockbusters make pessimistic assumptions about the future high-tech world. But hopefully, as Yuval Harari said in the book, with pessimistic prophecies, human beings make efforts to avoid tragedy in the present, and the prophecy will not come true.

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