first appeared, Simon (the protagonist little boy) told Laura (the mother): "They hide your most important things, leave a clue, and if you find it, One wish." Simon and Laura got into a serious argument on the day of the party, and after being slapped in the face by the unbearable Laura, decided to take revenge on his mother by hiding her most beloved things! So he hid in Thomas' hut and left clues, once his mother was willing to find him his way, then he successfully took her to Thomas' hut (what a wayward kid = =). So in the end Laura found Simon's body and cried, "No, it's not fair!" Of course, there was the guilt and remorse of finding out the truth, but there was also the "I finished the game and gave me back my most important things" mean. So she made a wish to be with Simon. The persistent mother finally gave up her life to find her beloved son. The light of the beacon lit up again, and the trapped soul was frozen in the past time. The wish came true, and the mother and son were finally reunited.
At the beginning of the film, Simon's wish after discovering the coin is to make his mother not grow old and take care of herself like Wendy (the character in "Peter Pan"). In the end, his wish came true, and not even death could separate them.
Laura also has a wish. Growing up as an orphanage, she has always hoped to set up a family-style charity organization to adopt and take care of 5 or 6 children. In the end, her wish came true. In addition to her son, there were also a group of friends who needed her care.
So this ending can be said to meet everyone's wishes. Probably such a big reunion in reality is really rare, so the film pinned the happy ending in the illusion after death, and the screenwriter is indeed a pessimistic person.
Two, about the smile of Laura's husband (forgot his name) at the end
At the end of the film, after Laura's husband picked up the necklace, a ghostly wind blew the door open. He looked at the sunny place ahead with a consoling smile. Some people say that he laughed because he found the necklace and knew that his wife had found his son (he said when he gave it to Laura, "Give it back to me when you find Simon"). Is it just because of that? In the previous scene, he had already paid homage to their graves, so the bodies of Laura and Simon have long been found, and there is no need to explain it at the end of the film. And if it's because of this, he should be smiling at the necklace, not at the front. Therefore, he must have seen something.
Let's find the foreshadowing in the film - one day a group of bereaved people gather to pour out their pain and seek mutual comfort, (a type of psychotherapy, the principle is "if a pain is universal, then it is not pain. When asked who had seen the soul of a loved one, many raised their hands, and one of the mothers also described: "She stood there smiling at me, I knew she wanted to tell me she was fine now, she Safe." Let's go back to the end of the film - the mystery solved. The husband who loved his wife saw Laura and Simon appear with the ghost wind, they smiled at him and told him: We are fine now, we are safe. So, the relieved husband showed a moving smile.
Third, how did Simon die?
starved? Died after drug withdrawal? Let's observe his death: head down. Take a look at your surroundings: the stairs are damaged. Recall the loud bang Laura heard. Add all of this together, and it's not hard to guess the truth. That's what Laura discovered, so a flash of the past flashed through her mind: she accidentally blocked the exit door with a hoe. After the party, Simon was waiting for his mother in Thomas's cabin for a long time. The hungry and lonely Simon decided to give up the game, but he suddenly found himself trapped in it and couldn't get out. He cried, slapped, yelled, but everything To no avail—Laura was lying on a hospital bed accompanied by her husband because she was injured by the sea, cooperating with the police investigation, and the police were focusing on searching for the cave, not going to her house at all—so, late at night, exhausted, panicked and desperate. Simon tried to knock on the door, but the stairs were too narrow and old, and the huge rebound force made him fall headfirst down the stairs, and he passed out and never woke up.
Laura, who discovered the truth, was overwhelmed with great pain and guilt, and she couldn't forgive herself. He has been blaming himself ever since he slapped his son, but now he actually pushed him to death with his own hands! Deep despair is also an important reason why she chose to commit suicide.
Fourth, is the hooded kid at the party Simon?
When Laura finally found Simon's body, he was wearing Thomas' hood, so the situation is likely to be this: Simon changed into Thomas' hood after discovering Thomas' hut, and he was aggrieved in the hallway after being slapped in the face. sobbing. Laura found him and wanted to take off his hood, but Simon wasn't going to forgive his mother just like that, he decided to take revenge on her and hide her most beloved things, so he locked her in the bathroom angrily, for the sake of revenge. Save time by leaving game clues for yourself.
Why does the kind and lovely Simon become so surly and grumpy? Is there any reason other than being beaten and being ignored? Let's recall the first time Simon got mad at his mother - when he discovered his condition. Young Simon was terrified of death, and the never-ending pills made him very uneasy. He didn't want to be left alone in the dark, so he fantasized about being Peter Phan who couldn't grow up (deep psychology is not dying). The weak body carries so much pain and fear, and its behavior is uncontrollable and irritable.
Some thought it couldn't have been Simon, but Thomas, on the grounds that the hooded kid had pinched Laura's finger. Actually, it wasn't intentional—the door was closed to lock Laura, and the injury was an accident. A furious Simon, wearing a hood that obstructs his vision, clashes by the door, pinching his fingers is a common occurrence, maybe he doesn't realize it himself.
Although Thomas in the film was trapped in the shadow of horror and evil, we found that he was actually a shy and kind child, and he never even held a grudge against his friends. The paintings on the walls of Thomas's cottage are also warm scenes where the little friends have fun together, and there is no trace of evil. And Thomas had no reason to hurt Laura.
In fact, it is not only Thomas who is misunderstood, but also those invisible friends. The genius of the film is this suspense, which makes Laura delusional that Thomas hurt herself, taught Simon bad, and hid Simon with other invisible friends. Let the ghost bear the blame, the original victim was misunderstood as the perpetrator, but it turned out to be a cocoon.
5. Why did Laura finally get to touch the ghost?
As a normal person, why did Laura finally have access to ghosts like a psychic? Let's recall the conditions of psychic channeling: 1. The need to connect with the past as a medium; 2. To be close to death (the proof that the psychic's arm is terminally ill, Simon also has AIDS to see shadow friends).
So, in order to meet these two conditions, firstly, Laura restores the orphanage to what it was before, puts on the clothes of the former childcare worker, and plays the old game again; secondly, in order to get close to death, Laura is preparing Swallowed some pills (probably sleeping pills) after everything. After both conditions were met, the past and present spaces overlapped, and she finally got the help of her friends to find out the truth.
Six, the whistle on the old woman's chest.
The most terrifying scene in the film is when Laura pulled the whistle on the old lady's chest, the immortal old lady suddenly grabbed Laura's hand in a flashback. Why does she attach so much importance to this whistle? In European tradition, a silver whistle can summon ghosts by the sea. The long-cherished old lady tried to use it for solace. She has been living in the great grief of losing her son, and the cart is also filled with a puppet representing her son. From the very beginning, she had tried to protect Thomas, keeping him reclusive and wearing a hood to avoid ridicule, teasing, and unnecessary harm. In fact, her cruelty and evil are also due to her deep maternal love: as deep as the love is, the deeper the hatred of revenge is.
Finally, there is still a problem that has not been solved: at the beginning of the film, Laura's flashlight only shows footprints facing inwards, not coming out. I don't know what the purpose is. Some people say that Simon came in and Thomas came out (the ghost has no footprints). Look to the experts for advice.
I agree with the landlord's speculation about other mysteries.
I just want to explain that the landlord's only doubt is also the question of many friends,
that is, the series of footprints that can only be seen but not seen.
Everyone said that this is Thomas and Simon who exchanged body and soul and cannot leave footprints. But from what simon
said to the air at the end, it can be seen that it is still simon, and the exchange of bodies is too far-fetched
, so how to explain the footprints? Please watch this section carefully! From the beginning to the end, Simon was standing on the opening of the small black hole and leaned forward to speak to it, but he didn't take a step in! Because of the child's nature of being afraid of the dark, he was afraid to go in. When Laura found Simon later, Simon was also frightened by Laura and immediately retracted his body subconsciously, which shows that Simon was afraid of the black hole and did not dare to enter. I think the series of footprints were left by Thomas. Because Thomas came out, it is impossible to leave footprints. The director laid a foreshadowing here, which also shows that when Laura injured his leg, he saw Thomas at the beach, not Thomas. simon, the rising sea water and the slapped waves in the footage suggest that the shadow is Thomas who was drowned by the high tide, and the shadow did not dare to walk out of the hole, which is also Thomas' behavior, and at this time, simon is locked in the basement, right? may be there. The above is my personal opinion.
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