Do we know our own good and evil?

Scotty 2022-04-23 06:01:02

After reading Renpi Inn 1, I knew there were 2 and 3. So I went on to read it, and after reading it, I read the comments as usual. However, I did not expect that there are so many different opinions and ideas about this film. Although every movie is controversial, I didn't expect it to be so noisy. The last movie like this I saw was "Fruit Hard Candies".
Let me talk about the plot first. As the first movie is similar, there are 3 protagonists, all of which are the same place, and all have the same purpose (the male goes to find the female, and the female travels by herself). It is essentially a pursuit of people’s desires. There is no need for women and men to be lascivious, nor is it necessary for men and women to spend money on clothes, cosmetics and decorations. These are all desires at work, no one is noble, and no one is absolutely right or wrong.
Please note that the protagonists of these two movies go to the sinful place, and they have a certain relationship with the handsome men and beautiful women. Most people grew up in the company of fairy tales. Some people say that fairy tales are seven-color flowers that are born from the beautiful and kind innocence of children. Fairy tales have shaped children's beautiful hearts, cultivated children's imagination, and made them realize truth, goodness, and beauty, adding a sense of innocence and purity. However, research has found that fairy tales are not always as beneficial to children as we think. Their harm to children is far beyond people's imagination. There are many stories similar to "Snow White" and "Cinderella" in "The Grimm's Fairy Tales". These stories are all loved by others because the heroine is beautiful and leads a happy life in the end. These fairy tales have always been loved by children, especially girls. However, Grauer Holtz, professor of sociology at Purdue University in the United States, believes that such fairy tales are not conducive to the growth of children. Because these fairy tales preach the truth invisibly: as long as one has a beautiful appearance, one can achieve success and be favored by others.
Grauer Holtz and his colleagues studied 168 Grimm's fairy tales and found that most of the fairy tales have descriptions of appearances, with an average of 14 in each story. One out of every five fairy tales writes an ugly girl. Fierce villain. When these fairy tales teach children the right and wrong of the world, they also engraved such an imprint in their young hearts: good people are handsome and beautiful, and ugly people are generally bad people. Grauer Holtz believes that classic fairy tales are no less harmful to children's psychology than music and movies that promote pornography and violence. —— "New Encyclopedia"
The first victims in the first and second parts were young people who had the dream of a writer. I don't know if the author deliberately or unintentionally inserted the situation. In our opinion, writers have wild imagination and full of idealism, which is what we call unrealistic. (I think so) Maybe it is the existence of this kind of plot that led to their first death. I remember there is a passage in the movie (Don’t you think we are crazy? Damn, of course not. Man, look at other places where there is no law, people do this kind of thing all day). This kind of thing is business in the movie. And murder. Although Slovakia has a constitutional government system, its constitutional government facilities are very bad. Specifically, the specific operation of lawyers and the judicial system is still a problem. Under the banner of the rule of law, money still has the final say. . It is in such a country that such a story happened. That’s right, how do you talk about spirit when you can’t have enough food and clothing? Just ask, have you ever seen people like sociologists in primitive society? After all, few people do not receive American relief food like Zhu Ziqing.
The whole story takes place in Central European Slovakia, not Eastern Europe as other film critics have said. However, this country was indeed a member of the socialist camp, and it has undergone four years of political reforms. This country is not as poor as portrayed in the movie. It joined the Eurozone in January 2009. Its per capita GDP has reached more than 16,000 US dollars. You know, even in the United States, the poverty line is no more than 2W dollars. Perhaps, there are some poor children like those in the movie. Local problems are inevitable.
In the movie, those involved in buying and selling are all successful people in our eyes. They dress well, have a decent job, a harmonious family, and good conversation. However, how could their family and the people around them know that under such an appearance, they have such evil and vicious intentions. Some of the people in the group have children, some have granddaughters. I don't know what kind of three views make their humanity distorted so that people who are not much older than their own children get such a bad hand. Maybe they can't find enough stimulus to numb themselves materially, and instead do this kind of thing. I am waiting for those who are still in worry-free food and clothing, and I can only associate the psychology of the people in the movie in this way. In the movie, the seemingly harmless person turned into a harmless person, and the person who wanted to torture others was finally bitten to death by a dog because he couldn't get it off. This is really ironic. . . Perhaps this is the other side of human nature. What you see is only the side she or he wants you to see. What you see may be true, but not all. Just like the packaging of an artist, the company's positioning for her is Xiaoqing. You see it as Xiaoqing. Without Yanzhaomen, you might never know that Gillian is like this; without SA's public statement, you might never know that she is not always a girl like she imagined, she has been married for 5 years. Everyone has a dark side. People are born with original sin, but not as good as the devil; born with kindness; but not as good as angels. No matter how glamorous people are, there are evils that you don't see.
Finally, make a small complaint, it was meant to be finished. As a result, he retreats because of his low hands, and I don't know how much. There are no regulations, so I just say what I think. For the first film review, any bad comments are welcome.

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  • Stuart: Are you scared?

    [Beth silently nods]

    Stuart: You fucking better be.

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