it should have more

Lillian 2022-04-19 09:01:46

Marley and I had just watched the PBS documentary "The Origin and Evolution of Dogs." The main conclusion in it is that the origin of dogs began 15,000 years ago. The reason why there are so many breeds is mainly due to the domestication of dogs by humans. The directional selection of humans has greatly accelerated the evolution of dogs, making various functions. Various forms of dogs appeared continuously. For example, in ancient times, when human beings were still in a state of food and clothing, dogs were mainly used to help obtain food, catch rabbits, fish, and catch birds. With ornamental value, some dog breeds that are not useful have appeared. Up to now, the evolution of humans has always led to the evolution of dogs, but always, dogs are still inferior to human beings. The will is the standard, and it is the responsibility to meet the needs of people. The "obedience" gene, after 15,000, has always stood firm.

But Marley is different. After watching the film, I resonated with the Marley family a lot. Labrador, we happen to have one in our family. The black one is called Baxi, and the color is different from Marley. Labrador Retrievers have always been the number one choice of domestic companion pets in North America, known for their docile, obedient, and good at getting along with children. This is one of the reasons why we choose Labrador Retrievers. But 4 years later, the unfortunate families have different stories, and the Labrador families turned out to be similar. From the moment I arrived at the owner's house, I started eating wallboards, screaming in the middle of the night, grinding my teeth with furniture, never knowing my fullness, dog walking, chewing mobile phones, man-dog race (to be precise, man chasing dog), the scenes in these movies are accurate It reproduces the life of Baxi after coming to our house. The movie is just a little exaggerated. For example, Mary swallows necklaces, and our family swallows beef. Marley eats the sofa, our family eats the Motorola flip phone, Marley chases the bird, our dog chases the chicken, the scene changes. But Marley accompanied the couple in the most critical life process, the first few years of marriage, the anxiety of preparing for pregnancy, the happiness of the first pregnancy, the heartbreak of miscarriage, this is particularly touching, the hostess miscarried After returning home, he dragged his tired body and put Marley in his arms. He quietly rested his little head on the feet of the mistress, and the naughty and unruly Labrador from the past suddenly grew up. Back when Baxi came to our house, we only got married, and now it has been 4 years. Every time we are happy, Baxi comes back to make trouble, and when we are arguing, Baxi comes back to persuade us. Every day, we can hear it downstairs before we get home from get off work. Baxi's cry. Baxi always knows when we are going home, always knows our sorrows, joys, sorrows and joys. The three of us have been together for 4 years.
At the end of the movie, when Marley was dying, the first thing the host thought of that was chewed by Marley seemed innumerable. He wanted to laugh, but tears couldn't help falling. Really, really can't accept that this lively guy will be forever. Saying goodbye, just like the first time Marley got sick and was hospitalized, the host kept mumbling, "Our Marley is not an ordinary Labrador, not an ordinary dog, he will get through it, don't you? I understand, he can get through it" ........We never wanted the day when Baxi left, we didn't want to think, the three of us, plus the child in the future, the four of us, will live together forever.

Humans participated in the evolution of dogs to find the most natural and loyal friends for human beings. But why not extend life for our best friends? If evolution continues, I hope those genius scientists can make dogs live longer. They deserve a longer life, chasing fallen leaves, accompany fat friends, and bring more happiness.

Marley, you will always be remembered by those who love you.

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Marley & Me quotes

  • Jennifer Grogan: Marley's not allowed to drink out of the toilet, you should just keep him out of the bathroom in general.

  • John Grogan: [to Marley] You remember how we were always saying what a pain you are... that you're the world's worst dog? Don't believe it. Don't believe it even for a minute. 'Cause you know we couldn't find a better dog. You know what made you such a... great dog is you loved us every day, no matter what. That's an amazing thing. You know how much we love you? We love you so much. I love you more than anything. I don't know exactly where we go from here... but I want you to remember you're a great dog, Marley. You're a great dog.