human nature

Angela 2022-04-24 06:01:01

It seems that the film is not highly rated, although I also think the story is a bit clichéd, but the film's discussion of women's human nature makes me deeply touched.
A girl is always pure, beautiful and bright, but she has to determine the issue of belonging at the age of 16. Her nature has dark elements. Even if she wants to belong to the light, she can never ignore the power of darkness. Entering puberty, our body is growing, and so is our mind. When we have the urge to love, we also have the desire to possess. When we lose love and are hurt by love, the power of darkness explodes. We begin to lose control of ourselves, anger, curses, depression, and sadness swept through, and we even wonder if we will not be hurt by being a "dark wizard", or will we belong to the darkness in the first place? Is it the one who hurt us that led us to the dark abyss? Not necessarily, that is the darkness that lurks in our hearts, and when we choose darkness, we can have huge magical powers. If our eyes become blurred, we can dominate the men. In this colorful world, there is no love without heart, and there is no bone pain without love.
Family and friends all want the girl to belong to the light, but she herself doesn't know that she is kind and loves life, but she can feel the darkness that is getting stronger and stronger. Who can redeem her, maybe only herself.
What is dedication, for the sake of broader interests, give up what you love most. Occupying something that you know shouldn’t belong to you will only make you go to the darkness. This thing may be a person, or it may be just a certain emotion. You think darkness can protect you and give you strength, but you don’t know that she swallowed you. , You no longer have yourself, just a carrier of desire. Giving up is always a painful thing, but don't waste your limited energy, control your emotions and desires, in order to find your true self!
No one absolutely belongs to the light, no one absolutely belongs to the darkness, we are a hybrid. At the end of the film, Lina laughed when one eye was dark and the other was bright. When he remembered her and her darkness disappeared, I smiled in my heart. But we must never forget that it was Lena's uncle who brought her to the light in exchange for life.
Reason makes us struggle out of the darkness, and true love takes us to the light.
Every girl is a magician who needs to be redeemed!

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Beautiful Creatures quotes

  • Amma: Casters have been fighting alongside mortals for centuries, every war, every side. Just because they're supernatural don't make them any smarter.

  • Ethan Wate: You know what I can't figure is, you go to Church every Sunday. How do you believe in all this and still believe in God?

    Amma: God created all things, didn't he? It's only men who go and decide which ones are mistakes.