Susan says

Camryn 2022-04-19 09:01:47

It's pretty nice too. .
It's about fighting aliens.
Susan hasn't changed back yet.

It's impossible to write a review of the cartoon (note that I didn't use the word film review because my literary level is too poor). In foreign cartoons, justice always triumphs over evil, and a group of people who were incompatible at the beginning eventually became friends and cooperated to eliminate the villains who were trying to rule the earth.

The 3D movie still looks quite enjoyable, and many scenes seem to be standing in front of my eyes.
It's so cute after the insect turns into a butterfly at the end! Especially after being 3D processed, I can't help but want to touch it.
The part where the President of the United States plays the crazy frog is also very funny. If I didn't want to pretend to be a lady, I would just follow the rhythm.

The following has nothing to do with the movie.
Hey, around him, I always feel that I don't know anything and the knowledge is very poor.
Los Angeles? Golden Gate Bridge? I don't know. Don't ask me.

Hands are so warm. .

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Extended Reading

Monsters vs. Aliens quotes

  • [Katie is trying to get smoochy with Cuthbert]

    Cuthbert: Don't rush me, Katie. I'm just, not ready.

    Katie: Oh, relax Cuthbert, it's just like dancing. I'll lead.

  • Katie: This is the worst date ever.