Destroy the good news

Nils 2021-12-17 08:01:08

I think this kind of movies commonly known as "shit pee comedy" will never get tired of, because everyone is good at it, and there is no way to entertain it. This movie is still very interesting. There are crowds of stars, exaggerated performances, all kinds of spoofs that ruin Sanguan, all kinds of slang and heavy-spoken lines, it is definitely good for comedy.
But the only shortcoming is that the cultural limitations are too strong. It’s easy to understand that many people think it’s not funny. They say it’s a bad movie. Comedy that was popular in the sky won’t be popular in the United States (Thai 囧), and cultural differences make it difficult to laugh. But it doesn’t have to be too real. This film is for Yankee himself. The director and actors have said that it is a pure spoof film without any meaning, just treat it as a 90-minute joke.

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Movie 43 quotes

  • Baxter: [segment "The Thread"] Don't let him pull his own dick off.

    Mrs. Cutler: Why would he pull his own dick off?

  • Sitara: [segment "The Thread"] I need to be out slaughtering.

    Baxter: No! You're carrying my seed. You must stay here where it's safe. Where I could protect you.