human tragedy

Dillan 2022-04-21 09:01:44

Critical point of view:
1. The narrative of this film is rather protracted, especially at the beginning when I was looking for a bicycle with my friends at the market. It is irrelevant to remove it, neither showing the characters nor setting up the plot.

2. Although the male protagonist is kind in his heart, his ability is indeed relatively scum, which is reflected in three aspects: one is brainless, the other is too hesitant, and the third is very impulsive. As soon as I put the car at the door to see the goddess, I felt that the car was about to fall, but it didn't, indicating that he had never paid much attention to this bicycle. The second is too hesitant to buy a car and too hesitant to steal a car. The third is too impulsive. I eat when I am hungry, and fight when I am angry. I was not particularly moved when the father and son had a big meal. I think this is just an in denial Ah Q spirit. My father rushed into the crowd without being caught. It was lucky that people became dogs, and the children were smart enough to call the police in advance.

Appreciation angle:
1. The difficulties of finding a job, finding a police officer and family life are written very real in this film. I have never seen any film that can express it so accurately.

Second, the "lamb" state in the bottom group is very realistic. On the one hand, he was slaughtered and endured silently, on the other hand, he was unconvinced and hoped for a miracle.

This movie is said to be the greatest movie, Ang Lee said he cried.

I think the most accurate way to say it is that this film has written a certain type of person too real and in place, making you think that what he said is not Italian, what he eats is not brushed bread, what life is not Florence and Rome, but the stories that happen around you . The older generation who have experienced the Cultural Revolution, three years of natural disasters, and lived on food stamps may better understand this feeling. This kind of realism is probably only comparable to "The Godfather".

This film expresses the helplessness about right and wrong from the life story of an ordinary bottom group. More helpless than this helplessness is to let the child realize that his father is not tall and can't handle it better. So, I prefer to think from the point of view of that poor child, who came into this world with no choice but to accept poverty, his unemployed father, and a life of displacement. And the father of the child, either find another job and continue to be a good person, or go all the way from stealing a car to the dark, don't hesitate.

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Bicycle Thieves quotes

  • La Santona: [Addressing a young man seated before her, apparently seeking advice on his love life] You must plant your seeds in another field. Do you understand what I mean?

    Young man seeking advice: No, I don't understand.

    La Santona: It's simple, my boy. What good is planting seeds if the soil rejects them? You plant, but don't gather. Understand?

    Young man seeking advice: I haven't understood a word.

    La Santona: [Becoming impatient] She doesn't love you! Forget her!

    La Santona: [Pausing for effect] Dear boy, you're very ugly. Yes, ugly. There are so many other women... Go and plow another field!

  • Employment Officer: Hey, Ricci, remember your bike! You have to have a bike.

    Antonio Ricci: A bike? I have and I haven't. I can't get my hands on it right now. Perhaps in a few days time.

    Employment Officer: You need one straight away or they won't take you on.

    Antonio Ricci: I can do it on foot for the first few days.

    Employment Officer: If you haven't got a bike, you'll have to let someone else take it.