Poor Medieval Sherlock Holmes

Sandra 2022-01-04 08:01:44

If you think of "Da Vinci's Devil" as a serious historical biopic, you are wrong. Judging from the 7 episodes currently played, "Da Vinci's Devil" seems to be a move to the Middle Ages. "Sherlock Holmes", this play uses Leonardo’s struggle with the Holy See as the main contradiction, interspersed with Leonardo’s suspicious life experience and some unknown secrets. Although it is set in the medieval era, the play is almost completely tampered with. The real history appears in the form of joking and legends, and what is sold in the bones is still the "genius drama" that has been very popular in recent years. It is indeed suspected of selling dog meat.

Although the play is well-produced, it lacks a bit of popularity. The messy layout and insufficiently attractive performances greatly reduce the observability of the play. As a genius play, the quality of the play is also low, and there are not enough attractive ideas and ideas. Sparks appeared, and some self-defeating paragraphs made the play seem nondescript. The Americans' portrayal of Leonardo da Vinci in the Renaissance actually showed a punk character. The noisy plot and the nagging Leonardo really made the show. Crazy, although there are also attractive places, but still can not reduce the abandonment rate of this drama. Nowadays, corruption is prevalent in European and American TV dramas. "Da Vinci's Devil" is also a small follower in a certain episode, but it still seems to be unable to meet the needs of the majority of drama friends to watch corruption. Obviously a heterosexual Da Vinci is unlikely to be Accepted by the majority of fans. The Leonardo da Vinci portrayed in the play talks about and traverses indiscriminately. One will find the continents drifting, and then meet Earl Dracula. Although noisy, he does not have very distinctive personal characteristics. Among the genius play heroes, Da Vinci played by Tom Riley is hardly recognizable. Although he bears the name of Da Vinci, he is actually just a medieval American punk + GEEK.

Among the many genius dramas, "Da Vinci's Devil" is difficult to get a place. Although it is the number one genius Da Vinci, it lacks sufficient competitiveness. The key is not that Da Vinci in the play is not smart enough. But the Da Vinci in the play has no distinctive features, and the whole drama of "Da Vinci's Devil" gives people the impression that it is more like an inferior speculation in the tide of genius dramas by Hollywood producers, mixing various commercial elements, but ignoring it. The most fundamental thing is that people love genius dramas not because they are smart, but because they have personal charms brought about by their freak-like and distinctive characters. Da Vinci obviously did not create this personal charm, more Just inefficiently imitating Sherlock Holmes's outfit, but forgot the true charm of Da Vinci in history.

In addition to the lack of personal charm, the biggest flaw in this drama is that the plot is not strong enough, the plot is all stylized, lacking enough novelty and bright colors, although each episode is buried in suspense for the next episode, but there is still a lack of people to continue watching The attraction of going down. This inferior medieval Da Vinci tells us that it is impossible to win a lot of applause if the machine lacks innovation to follow suit, because the taste of the audience is constantly improving.

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