The lowest star spoof in history.

Keshaun 2021-12-17 08:01:08

Indeed, I have never seen so many popular young and old celebrities starring in vulgar dramas before. The level of vulgarity of this film is more than that of Waynes's "Scream" series. Just the "two OO" section of Wolverine is enough to reach unprecedented levels.

The film uses a very simple narrative structure, that is, someone is looking for a certain video, and in the process of searching, he clicks on a variety of different small videos. These small videos are all small stories. A typical small category start.

What surprised me was that Faris, with blond hair and white clothes, appeared to be a lot more beautiful at once. Of course, immediately afterwards, she asked a very heavy question. The skill of the screenwriter here is to take a very disgusting thing. As far as serious things are concerned, things that are originally disgusting have many similarities with many serious things. The other is Hitgirl's wonderful aunt's performance. This kind of drama made her a few years younger suddenly. It is estimated that this is also her personal experience? Harry Berry’s paragraph is also very creative. I always feel that truth and big adventures are nonsense. It is just using the "rules of the game" to do trivial things that you usually don't dare to do, but when it comes to critical moments, you will retreat. , The recent joke that the beauty does not let the ugly man "adventure" is enough to explain the problem. In the main line of the film, the roles of a few teenagers are relatively few. Finally, the use of "Film 43" as the fuse to trigger the end of the world is also a story that is both house and talk, and it is suitable for this film. Apple and superhero themes are also full of all kinds of beauties, even if they are naked, their target audience is self-evident.

The film is full of stars, but it can still be seen that the film is dominated by people from 30Rock and SNL in NBC, and there are even regular expatriate reporters in Jon's daily show. With the SNL group of people, it's no wonder the scripts in this film are not stiff, but appear naturally in the film.

ps, it is estimated that this kind of film will not be available in China within a hundred years.

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Movie 43 quotes

  • Baxter: [segment "The Thread"] Don't let him pull his own dick off.

    Mrs. Cutler: Why would he pull his own dick off?

  • Sitara: [segment "The Thread"] I need to be out slaughtering.

    Baxter: No! You're carrying my seed. You must stay here where it's safe. Where I could protect you.